Parent/Student Handbook
The Parent/Student Handbook provides essential information about Kirby School District 140. Please take a moment to review its contents.
Throughout the year, we'll provide you with ongoing news and information and news relative to your child’s classroom, school, and our District. For the latest information, please visit the District website regularly. All District Board of Education policies are also available for review online via BoardDocs.
Parents provide an integral piece to the success of any school system. Your continued support has allowed us to provide quality programs for all of our students. Please feel free to contact your child’s teacher, building principal, or our central office administration with any questions or concerns.
Kirby School District 140
- Administration Building Address: 16931 South Grissom Drive, Tinley Park, Illinois 60477
- Phone: 708-532-6462
- Website:
- School Year Hours: 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. (Monday through Friday)
- Summer Hours: 7:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. (Closed Fridays in July)
Central Office Administration
- Dr. Daniel F. Callaghan - Superintendent
- Dr. Meghan M. Ramirez - Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum & Instruction
- Dr. Mary T. Dwyer - Assistant Superintendent of Special Services
- Michael Andreshak - Director of Business Services
- Brian E. Nemeth - Director of Technology
- Susan E. Haynie - Communications Coordinator
- Michelle A. O’Connor - EL/Title I Coordinator
- Anthony E. Silic - Operations Coordinator
School Administrators
- John A. Bannes School - Kelly Folliard, Principal
- Address: 16835 S. Odell Ave., Tinley Park, IL 60477
- Phone: 708-532-6466
- Hours: 7:55 a.m. - 2:25 p.m.
- Fernway Park School - Sandy Hutchinson, Principal
- Address:16600 S. 88th Ave., Orland Park, IL 60462
- Phone: 708-349-3810
- Hours: 7:55 a.m. – 2:25 p.m.
- Helen Keller School - Julie Simpson, Principal
- Address: 7846 W. 163rd St., Tinley Park, IL 60477
- Phone: 708-532-2144
- Hours: 7:55 a.m. – 2:25 p.m.
- Christa McAuliffe School - James Hanley, Principal
- Address: 8944 W. 174th St., Tinley Park, IL 60487
- Phone: 708-429-4565
- Hours: 7:55 a.m. – 2:25 p.m.
- Millennium Elementary School - Julianne Cosentino, Principal
- Address: 17830 S. 84th Ave., Tinley Park, IL 60487
- Phone: 708-532-3150
- Hours: 7:55 a.m. – 2:25 p.m.
- Prairie View Middle School - Maura R. Baskovich, Principal, and John Conley, Assistant Principal
- Address: 8500 W. 175th St., Tinley Park, IL 60487
- Phone: 708-532-8540
- Hours: 8:40 a.m. – 3:07 p.m.
- Virgil I. Grissom Middle School - Michael Rumbaugh, Principal, and Alex Weinberg, Assistant Principal
- Address: 17000 S. 80th Ave., Tinley Park, IL 60477
- Phone:708-429-3030
- Hours: 8:40 a.m. – 3:07 p.m.
Administrative Inquiry Procedures
Schools are like any other organization: if you have a problem or question, it’s best to begin with the people directly involved.
For student problems, the person to begin with is generally the teacher, coach, or advisor. If you have a question about a school regulation or practice, the principal is the best place to begin.
Administering Medicines to Students
Administering Medicines to Students
Policy 7:270
Board of Education
- Thomas J. Martelli - President
- Carol DeMicheal - Vice-President
- Lucy Shalash - Secretary
- Chuck Augustyniak - Member
- John T. Lutz - Member
- Aileen Mulee-DiTuri - Member
- Tiana Pequette - Member
You may email the Board of Education at
What is the School Board?
In Illinois, public education is the State’s constitutional responsibility. The State delegates to local school boards the authority to govern school districts within the parameters set by State law. Boards are made up of seven school district residents elected at large to serve terms of four years without compensation. So, although the Board is responsible to district voters, it is legally responsible to the State.
What is the Board's Role?
The Board’s role is to:
- Adopt goals and policies that meet State requirements and reflect community needs;
- Provide the resources necessary to pursue its goals according to its policies and
- Monitor district performance to see that results are consistent with goals and policies.
What are the Board's Duties?
Among the Board’s legal duties are:
- Approving what shall be taught in the schools and which textbooks will be used;
- Approving necessary personnel and setting their salaries;
- Approving all contracts and paying all bills; and
- Approving the annual budget.
Individual Board Members may not act alone or make decisions that are binding upon the Board. Binding decisions are made only upon a vote taken by the School Board.
Is the Superintendent a Board Member?
No. The Superintendent is the school District's chief executive officer, a professional educator hired by the Board to carry out its goals and oversee the district’s operations.
Board of Education Meetings
The Board has a minimum of one regular meeting per month. The meeting will generally be held on a Thursday each month or as specified. Interested citizens are welcome to attend. The meetings are held at 7:00 p.m. at the Administration Building, 16931 South Grissom Drive, Tinley Park, IL. Please check the District calendar for dates and times of the meetings or the District website,, for the most up-to-date information.
How are Board Meetings Conducted?
Each meeting follows an agenda that establishes the sequence of events for that meeting. Meetings are conducted by the Board President based on a combination of A Commentary on Parliamentary Procedure, common sense, and common courtesy.
Are Board Meetings Public?
Board meetings are not public meetings; they are meetings held in public. By law, all Board discussion and deliberation must be conducted in public, except for certain specific matters, such as personnel and student disciplinary cases, which may be discussed in closed session. However, all official Board action (voting) must be taken in public.
May I Speak at the Board Meeting?
The tradition has been to allow any visitor the opportunity to comment or ask questions of the board. Visitors may speak at a time specifically set aside during the meeting when visitors are recognized. Groups attending Board meetings are asked to appoint a spokesperson, and all visitors are asked to limit their remarks to five minutes. The Board President recognizes visitors who wish to comment, maintains order during the meeting, and calls an end to comments and discussion when this seems appropriate.
Will the Board Resolve My Concern?
The Board rarely can be expected to act immediately on an issue brought before it for the first time. Even in the case of more familiar topics, the Board takes action only after it has examined all aspects of an issue. You may, however, expect the Board to act as promptly as circumstances allow and to notify you when it arrives at a decision.
Committee Meetings
Committee meetings are scheduled as needed. They focus on specific issues related to District policy, services, finance, and curriculum.
Addressing the Board of Education
- Know what you want to say and say it as briefly as possible. Again, this is not to limit your ability to speak but to make sure your message is heard and understood.
- When called on, make sure you speak clearly enough to be heard by everyone in the room. State your name so that your comments can be made part of the official record. If you are representing an organization or a group of citizens, state the name of the group.
- As concisely as possible, state your concern, complaint, question, or opinion, then state your basis or reason. If you know what you want the Board to do about your concern or opinion, end by stating what you want done. The Board will not always be able to adopt your solution, but knowing it is helpful.
- Keep your comments brief. School Boards have a lot of business to handle at meetings and often many people to hear. If you believe more explanation is necessary, write a preliminary or follow-up letter to the Board or create some background materials you can use as handouts.
- If you are speaking from a prepared statement, provide copies for Board Members and the Superintendent.
- Avoid repeating the views of previous speakers. A single spokesperson should be designated to represent a group with a common purpose. It is just as effective to indicate that you represent a group of a certain size as it is for every member of that group to be heard.
- Limit your comments to one item or issue and stay focused on the issue at hand. If you have a whole list of concerns, make separate presentations, or speak about the most important and provide the others to the Board in writing.
- No matter how strongly you feel about an issue, always be polite. Avoid name-calling, finger-pointing, accusations, or language that would demean anyone.
- Make sure your issue is appropriate School Board business. As noted, it is better to attempt to resolve the problems at a lower administrative level before bringing it to the Board. A School Board’s main function is to establish policy for the entire district, not to settle disputes that could be resolved through other channels.
- Understand Board limitations. Don’t expect the Board to answer every question or resolve every issue on the spot. The issue may require more study.
- Knowledgeable parents or community members often are asked to help the Board resolve a complex issue. Committees may be formed to address particular needs, such as publicizing a finance referendum.
Matters involving state laws or districtwide policies should be brought to the attention of the Superintendent. The Superintendent’s Office may direct you to another administrator who is more directly involved with the topic that interests you.
Most questions can be answered, and most problems can be solved by working with the appropriate teacher or administrator.
Access to District Public Records
Policy 2:250
School Budget Information
Kirby School District 140 will post its annual budget on its website. District 140’s web address is When a new annual budget is adopted, it will be posted on the website within thirty (30) days.
Boundaries and School Assignments
Pupils must attend the school in the attendance area in which they reside. Individual school attendance District boundaries are established by the Board of Education on the recommendation of the Superintendent and may be changed if population conditions warrant it.
Please note that enrollees from new developments are subject to school assignments per Board of Education direction.
Stay Connected!
KSD 140 is dedicated to clear, timely, and responsive communication that keeps our community informed and engaged. We use multiple channels to share important updates, celebrate achievements, and provide insight into District operations and educational programs.
Our communication channels include:
Our district and school websites are your go-to sources for important information, news, and resources. Stay up to date on school events, policies, calendars, and more!
- District
- Bannes Elementary School
- Fernway Park Elementary School
- Keller Elementary School
- McAuliffe Elementary School
- Millennium Elementary School
- Grissom Middle School
- Prairie View Middle School
ParentSquare Messaging
KSD 140 uses ParentSquare for school communication, primarily with email, text, and app notifications. ParentSquare automatically generates an account for each parent using the email address and phone number provided at the time of registration.
We encourage parents to visit to update their preferences on when and how they are notified.
For even greater convenience, download the ParentSquare app (available free for iOS and Android devices).
Social Media
Our district’s social media channels are a great way to stay informed and celebrate the amazing things happening in our schools. Follow us to stay connected!
The District can be found on:
KSD 140 Connection Monthly Newsletters
Our district values strong partnerships with families, and our monthly KSD 140 Connection newsletters help keep you informed and engaged. Each issue highlights important dates, district events, student and staff recognition, community connections, and helpful resources. We want to ensure you have the information you need to support your child’s education and stay connected to our school community.
Be sure to check your inbox or visit our website each month to stay up to date.
Enrichment Classes
Physical Education
Full-day kindergarten through fifth grade will have three (3) periods of formal physical education per week, plus daily activities arranged by the classroom teachers. The middle schools have physical education/health taught daily by physical education instructors.
General Music
Students in full-day Kindergarten through fifth grade will have at least two periods of formal music instruction per week. At the middle schools, students will have one 9-week period per year of instruction.
Elementary students will be scheduled for at least one art class per week. At the Middle Schools, students have one 9-week period per year of instruction.
Pre-Engineering Technology
Pre-Engineering Technology is designed to provide authentic math and science experiences that extend concepts learned in these and other subjects. Students in sixth, seventh, and eighth grade will use a variety of technologies, specialized equipment, and computer simulations to apply math and science skills.
Our Civics course examines the general structure and functions of American systems of government, the roles and responsibilities of citizens in participating in the political process, and the individual’s relationship to the law and legal system.
Support Programs
Gifted Education (GATE grades 3-5 and Honors grades 6-8)
Kirby School District 140 strives to meet the needs of gifted and talented students. Certified staff work to provide meaningful activities for students in the core academics. The programs are designed to refine and develop skills in areas such as critical thinking, problem-solving, research, and independent study.
Students entering third, fourth, and fifth grade will be screened to identify those who qualify for the GATE Program. Students will be screened again at the end of fifth grade to determine those who qualify for the Honors Programs in middle school. Students who transfer into a District 140 facility are screened upon recommendation of their teacher or parents after nine weeks of enrollment. To be included in the GATE or Honors Programs, all students must meet standards established in a selection matrix.
Program for the Gifted
Policy 6:130
Accelerated Placement Program
Policy 6:135
Transitional Program of Instruction (TPI) and Transitional Bilingual Education (TBE)
The District recognizes its role as a public institution in helping children from diverse backgrounds achieve success as learners. To help obtain this goal, the District supports the TPI/TBE programs to provide services to English Learners. The program is designed to assist English Learners through special assistance in reading, writing, speaking, and listening using the English language.
English Learners
Policy 6:160
Title I Programs
Policy 6:170
Extracurricular Clubs and Activities
Clubs - Elementary and middle schools offer a variety of clubs and activities throughout the year. For detailed information, please visit
Beginning in fifth and continuing through eighth grade, students have formal band instruction with lessons taught within the school day. The Beginning Band has one lesson during the week and an after-school rehearsal once weekly. The Cadet, Concert, and Symphonic Band meet at the Middle Schools before the school day.
The choral program is conducted at the Middle Schools for sixth, seventh, and eighth-grade students. Rehearsals are conducted on an after-school basis.
Middle School Interscholastic Activities
Kirby School District 140 middle schools belong to the Southwest Interscholastic Conference (SWIC). Activities include softball, basketball, volleyball, track, cross country, cheerleading, soccer, and academic competitions. Participation is dependent upon attendance on the day of an event.
Emergency Procedures
Bad Weather
Condition: Excessive snow, heat, cold, etc.
Procedure: Students should remain in their school building. Parents or designated parties listed on the Emergency Information Card will be contacted before students are sent home.
Utility Failures
Condition: Gas, Water, or Electrical Failure
Procedure: If no immediate danger to the students exists, they can remain in their school building. If hazardous conditions exist, students are to be transported to a designated school and will remain at this location until regular dismissal time. Walkers will be transported back to their own building site before being allowed to walk home. Parents will be notified. Parents are not to pick up students while at another school, nor will students be dismissed early.
Bomb Threat
Condition: Receipt of a telephone call, note, letter, or digital communication, such as email, text, or social media posting, stating a bomb threat.
Procedure: Building Administrator is to be notified immediately—the administrator is to call 911. Evaluate the situation and proceed to evacuate the building, if deemed necessary, and have students and staff transported to the designated permanent holding school for your building. Do not return to the building until authorized by local emergency officials.
Major Disaster
Condition: Fire
Procedure: Students must be evacuated from their school buildings and cannot return to the building. In accordance with the Emergency Plan, students are moved to a holding area away from school. Parents will then be notified. Students will remain at this
location until regular dismissal time. Parents are not encouraged to pick up students—nor will they be sent home early.
Condition: Tornado
Procedure: If a tornado warning is issued, all students must go directly to the designated tornado shelter closest to your location as posted on the map in each room and remain there for the duration of the warning period. If there is a tornado warning in effect at the regular dismissal time, the students will not be dismissed until an all-clear has been received. Buses will not be in operation during any tornado warning. Parents are not to pick up students.
Emergency School Closing Notification
Kirby School District 140 has developed an emergency plan in case of fire, severe weather, tornado, and other emergencies. Each school has detailed plans for evacuating or "taking cover," and disaster drills are held periodically throughout the year.
If schools close after students have arrived, every effort is made to notify parents. Students should know where to report if school closes in an emergency and parents are not home.
If emergency conditions exist at dismissal time, the principal or designee may detain students at school until conditions improve or until parents are able to take custody of their children. Parents should make sure that arrangements are made to provide for emergency release.
If KSD 140 needs to close school due to inclement weather or emergency circumstances, families will receive an email/text message, and an alert will be posted on our District website. KSD 140 also communicates school closure information through social media, including Facebook, Instagram, and X (formerly known as Twitter).
If you need to update or review your contact information in your parent portal, please log in to your Infinite Campus Parent Portal.
You may also check these sources for information: WGN Radio 720 and WBBM Newsradio 78, CBS, NBC, ABC, WGN, and FOX news stations, and the Emergency Closing Center (ECC).
Health Program Information
A comprehensive school health program is important for your children throughout their school experience. A basic requirement is cooperation and communication between home and school. Remember that a healthy child is a healthy learner. Please contact your school nurse for more information about your child’s health and vaccine schedule.
Immunization Requirements
The Illinois Department of Public Health determines immunization requirements for every child entering public or private school in Illinois. This includes the immunizations listed below. The District is required to report immunization data annually to the Illinois Department of Public Health.
- Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (Whooping Cough):
- Pre-Kindergarten students must have three doses of DTP or DTaP by one year of age and one additional booster dose by the 2nd birthday. For first entry into school (Kindergarten or first grade), children must have four or more doses of DTP / DTaP, with the last dose on or after the 4th birthday. For grades 2-5, three or more doses of DTP / DTaP or Td; with the last dose on or after the 4th birthday.
- Tdap:
- Students in grades, 6, 7, and 8 must have one dose of Tdap for children on or after the 11th birthday.
- Polio:
- Pre-Kindergarten students must have three doses, appropriately spaced. For first entry into school (Kindergarten or first grade), children must have four or more doses, with the last dose on or after the 4th birthday.
- Measles:
- Pre-Kindergarten students must have one dose on or after the 1st birthday. For first entry into school (Kindergarten or first grade), two doses of Measles vaccine, the 1st dose must have been received on or after the 1st birthday and the second dose no less than four weeks (28 days) later. Laboratory evidence of measles immunity or certified physician verification of measles disease by date of illness is acceptable. Measles cases diagnosed after 7/1/02 must include lab evidence.
- Rubella:
- Pre-Kindergarten students must have, one dose on or after the 1st birthday. For first entry into school (Kindergarten or first grade), children must have two doses of the Rubella vaccine; the 1st dose must have been received on or after the 1st birthday and the second dose no less than 4 weeks (28 days) later. Laboratory evidence of Rubella immunity is acceptable. History of disease is not acceptable proof of immunity to Rubella.
- Mumps:
- Pre-Kindergarten students must have one dose on or after the 1st birthday. For the first entry into school (Kindergarten or first grade), children must have two doses of Mumps vaccine, the 1st dose must have been received on or after the 1st birthday and the second dose no less than 4 weeks (28 days) later. Laboratory evidence of Mumps immunity or certified physician verification of Mumps disease by date of illness is acceptable.
- Varicella (Chickenpox):
- Pre-Kindergarten must have one dose on or after the 1st birthday. For first entry into school (Kindergarten or first grade), children must receive two doses of Varicella vaccine; the first dose must have been received on or after the 1st birthday and the second dose no less than 4 weeks (28 days) later. Laboratory evidence of Varicella immunity or certified physician verification of varicella disease is also acceptable.
- Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV13):
- For Pre-Kindergarten programs, children must have completed vaccination series in compliance with ACIP (Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices) recommendations. This vaccine is not required after the 5th birthday.
- Hepatitis B:
- Students in Pre-Kindergarten programs and students in grades 6, 7, and 8 are required to have three doses appropriately spaced. The third dose must have been administered on or after 6 months of age. Laboratory evidence of prior or current infection is acceptable.
- Haemophilus Influenzae, Type B:
- For Pre-Kindergarten programs, children must have completed vaccination series in compliance with ACIP (Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices) recommendations. This vaccine is not required after the 5th birthday.
- Tuberculosis:
- The vaccine for tuberculosis is not routinely recommended for children in the U.S. It is recommended for children in high-risk groups, including children who are continually exposed to adults with Tuberculosis.
- Meningococcal Conjugate vaccine:
- One dose of Meningococcal Conjugate vaccine is required to enter grades 6, 7 & 8. This vaccine must be received on or after the 11th birthday.
- Diabetes Screening:
- A diabetes screening shall be included as a required part of each health examination. The health care provider shall document the results of the diabetes risk assessment on the Certificate of Child Health Examination form.
- Medical Exemption:
- Objections to immunizations on medical grounds must accompany a letter from the provider responsible for performing the child’s health examination stating the reason for contraindication and must be dated and signed.
- Religious Exemption:
- Public Act 099-0249 states in part that children of parents or legal guardians who object to health, dental, or eye examinations, to immunizations, or to vision and hearing screening tests on religious grounds shall not be required to undergo the examinations or immunizations if the parents or legal guardians present a signed Certificate of Religious Exemption detailing the grounds for the objection and the specific immunizations and or examinations to which they object. The certificate shall be signed by the parent or legal guardian to confirm their awareness of the school’s exclusion policies in the case of a vaccine-preventable disease outbreak or exposure. The certificate must also be signed by the child’s health care provider responsible for performing the child’s examination for entry into Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, or 6th grade.
Physical, Dental, and Vision Exam Requirement
The General Assembly of the State of Illinois has amended the School Code Section 27-8.1 to include the following information: Pre-K students (Special Education Early Childhood and Preschool Program) are required to have a school physical. Kindergarten students are required to have a school physical, dental, and eye examination. 2nd Grade students are required to have a dental exam. 6th Grade students are required to have a physical and dental examination. A record of physical examination is required of all children first entering the District.
Health examinations are to be completed by a licensed physician recognized by the State of Illinois (M.D. or D.O.), an Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) or a Physician Assistant (PA). The exam results are to be indicated on the state physical form entitled Certificate of Child Health Examination. The state physical form and proof of immunization, or a schedule for the completion of immunizations, must be submitted to the school prior to the date of entrance to school. Per the Illinois School Code, if the state physical form and proof of immunizations, or a schedule for the completion of immunizations, is not provided by October 15, the child shall face exclusion from school until it is provided. Eye examinations are required for all children enrolling in Kindergarten or enrolling in a school in Illinois for the first time. Eye exams are required by October 15 of the school year. Dental exams are required by May 15 of the school year.
Student athletes are required to have a physical examination completed in order to participate in interscholastic athletics. The IHSA Pre-Participation Exam can be accepted and is valid for 395 days. The Certificate of Child Health Examination, if it indicates the approval of interscholastic athletics, can be accepted and is valid for 365 days.
Dental Health
Dental health is an important part of the total health picture of children. Deciduous – or primary – teeth are often neglected because of a lack of understanding of the importance of first teeth. These teeth have a definite function – decay and infection should be prevented in them as well as in permanent teeth. The American Dental Association states that deciduous teeth are necessary to chew food properly, to promote clear speech, to give form and shape to the face, and to act as guides for permanent teeth forming beneath them.
In the interest of promoting better dental health habits in all children, the state requires periodic dental examinations. The results of these examinations are to be indicated on the state dental form and returned to the school.
Mission and Vision
We are a student-centered District where children come first and where students remain at the heart of everything we do. Thanks to the efforts of our dedicated staff, strong support from our Board of Education, involved families, and a community that values education, our students receive a rich and varied educational experience.
Every Child. Every Day.
Our mission statement is simple yet powerful. This statement serves as a reminder of our primary focus and purpose as an educational institution - to provide the highest quality education and support to all students, ensuring their success and well-being in every aspect of their lives.
Kirby School District 140 is committed to working in partnership with our community to build a safe, respectful, and nurturing environment where students are equipped with skills for life and learning.
Our Vision encapsulates the collective aspirations of our District and emphasizes the importance of collaboration, community engagement, and holistic student development. It highlights our dedication to fostering a positive school culture prioritizing safety, respect, and nurturing relationships. By partnering with our community, we aim to create an inclusive and supportive environment that empowers our students with the skills, knowledge, and values necessary for their personal and academic growth.
Strategic Plan
In the spirit of continuous improvement and transparency, the District maintains a public dashboard detailing the performance of its schools and listing student achievement, financial, and school environment data. You can review our dashboard and strategic plan components at
Parent/Guardian Information
School Visitations
Parents or guardians are always welcome to visit their child’s school. If you feel a conference is necessary to discuss your child’s progress, please make prior arrangements. All persons entering the school building for any reason must enter through the main entrance and immediately report to the school office before proceeding to another area of the building. This is in accordance with the policies and provisions regarding school security.
Under provisions of Illinois law, the School Visitation Right Act (820 ILCS 147/1), each school district is required to notify the student’s parents or guardians of their school visitation rights. An employer must grant an employee leave up to a total of 8 hours during any school year, and no more than 4 hours of which may be taken on any given day, to attend school conferences or classroom activities related to the employee’s child. Please contact your employer for further information.
Child Sex Offender’s Request for Permission to Visit School Property – Administrative Procedure 8:30-E2 Child Sex Offender’s Request for Permission to Visit School Property (in part)
If you are a child sex offender, you must complete a Child Sex Offender’s Request for Permission to Visit School Property, for each visit to school property to lawfully visit whenever students are present. After a decision is made whether to grant or deny your request for permission to visit, a copy will be returned to you. This information will be kept in the District’s main office as well as in the building principal’s office where you are seeking permission to visit. Contact your child’s school to obtain a copy of the request letter.
Parent Conferences
Formal parent conferences are conducted following the end of the first quarter. Conference times are scheduled by each individual building. Both parents and teachers are free to request a conference at any other time.
Parent Volunteers/Confidentiality
Parents or guardians are always welcome to volunteer when needed at your child’s school. Keep in mind that volunteers of KSD 140 may have access to confidential and private information. This information may pertain to students, families, and/or KSD140 staff members. Volunteers are required at all times to treat any and all student, family, and staff information as private and confidential. Gossip, inappropriate sharing of information, casual discussion, or general disclosure of information with or to any person will not be tolerated.
The building principal decides whether to hold indoor or outdoor recess. Students go outside when the wind chill temperature is above 20° F or the heat index is below 100° F. Parents may request indoor recess for their child after an illness, but not for more than three school days. If a child must stay indoors for a longer period, parents must furnish a note from the child’s physician.
temperature or wind chill | |
25° and above | Students go outside |
20°- 25° | Students can go outside for a shortened period |
below 20° | Students stay inside |
Heat Index | |
100° and below | Students go outside |
Homebound Instruction
School Code indicates that services are to be provided when a homebound or hospitalized student is unable to attend school due to a condition certified by a medical statement that indicates that the student will or is anticipated, due to the student’s medical condition, to be out of school for a minimum of 10 days of school with at least two days at a time multiple times during the school year for two weeks or more or on an “ongoing intermittent basis,” which are expected to total 10 days or more.
Please contact your child’s principal if you wish to receive this service. An evaluation will be conducted. If homebound instruction is found to be appropriate, arrangements will be made to teach your child at home or in the hospital.
Review of Instructional Materials
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) have the right to review any instructional materials being used as part of the educational curriculum in the school. Any parent who wishes to review materials or observe instruction should contact the principal prior to visiting the school to make proper arrangements.
Field Trips
Field trips, properly planned and integrated into the curriculum, are a valuable extension of educational experience beyond the classroom.
Teachers, with the written approval of the principal, preview, and plan field trips. Parents are notified in advance of field trips and frequently are invited to join the trip as a chaperone.
ESEA Title IX, C
Title IX, Part C, of the U.S. Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) guarantees educational equity regardless of gender. Any District 140 employee, job applicant, student, or parent has the right to a hearing if it is believed that a right to fair treatment has been abridged because of sex discrimination. Information is available from Equity Coordinator, Dr. Mary Dwyer, Assistant Superintendent of Special Services, (708) 532-6462.
Equal Educational Opportunities
Policy 7:10
Notice to Parents of Their Right to Request Their Child's Classroom Teachers' Qualifications
As a parent/guardian of a student at a school receiving funds under Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, you have the right to request the professional qualifications of the teachers who instruct your child and the paraprofessionals, if any, who assist them. You may request the following information about each of your child’s classroom teachers and their paraprofessional assistants, if any:
- Whether the teacher has met State qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction,
- Whether the teacher is teaching under an emergency or other provisional status through which State qualification or licensing criteria have been waived,
- Whether the teacher is teaching in the field of discipline of the teacher’s licensure, and
- Whether any instructional aides or paraprofessionals provide services to your child and, if so, their qualifications.
This notice is required by federal law (20 U.S.C. §6312(e)(1)(A)). If you would like to receive any of this information, please contact the District office.
Helpful Suggestions for Positive School Experiences
The following are some suggestions that will contribute to your child’s adjustment to school:
- A healthy child is a healthy learner. For the protection of your child and others, please do not send your child to school with any of the following symptoms of illness: fever of 100°F or higher; sore throat; earache; persistent cough; swollen glands; vomiting; diarrhea; or rash.
- Adequate clothing should be provided for each child for both indoor and outdoor use, depending upon the weather.
- An explanatory note for absence may be required to readmit a child to school. If a rash or extended illness (more than 3 consecutive school days) has occurred, a note from the doctor may be necessary to explain the condition. When your child is absent, please call the school secretary between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. to report the absence and reason for absence.
- Children are required to go outdoors, weather permitting, at recess and during a portion of their lunchtime unless they are excused by a statement from their physician.
- Do not send a sick child to school – but do not keep a well child at home. Parents will be notified when their child has a fever in excess of 100°F and exhibits other symptoms indicating a need for further evaluation. A child who has been sent home with a fever may not return to school for any reason until the fever has subsided and remained normal for a 24-hour period without fever-reducing medication. If a child has been sent home because of vomiting or diarrhea, the child should remain home until there has been no more vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours.
- We can honor a parent’s note for absence from physical education class and recess for up to 3 days. A physician’s note will be required for absences beyond 3 days.
- A student will be excused from physical education classes for an extended period of time only if a written request by a physician is received stating specific reasons and the length of time such restrictions shall be in force.
Parent Organizations
Parent/Teacher Organization (PTO)
District 140 is proud of the support given to the schools through its Parent Teacher Organization (PTO). Through this service organization, parents and staff work together to achieve the best possible education for the children of the District.
Parents are urged to support the work of their PTO through membership and attendance at all meetings and events. Meeting programs focus on the development and education of the community’s youth and provide opportunities for parents to meet teachers and other parents.
Band Parent Association
Kirby School District 140 has a Band Parent Association that supports the activities of the District’s instrumental band program. All band parents are urged to join and participate.
Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee (BPAC)
The BPAC is a group of parents, educators, and community members dedicated to supporting the success of English Learners (ELs). BPAC provides families with information, resources, and opportunities to collaborate with the school district on bilingual education programs. Through meetings, workshops, and events, BPAC empowers parents to be active participants in their child's education while fostering a strong, inclusive school community. All parents of EL students are encouraged to join and share their voices.
Registration and Residency Verification
Registration is held annually each spring.
- If you are a CURRENT D140 family and need to register a new Early Childhood/Preschool (EC/P) student, a new Kindergarten student, or a returning student, please log in to your Infinite Campus Parent Portal.
- If you are NEW to D140 and need to register your student, welcome! Please click Online Registration Kiosk to begin registering.
Kirby School District 140 uses CLEAR ID Confirm to e-verify current family address information. This verification method streamlines the registration process for District families while still assuring that students enrolled in our schools are residents within the boundaries of District 140.
CLEAR uses a parent’s name and address to crosscheck the information against public records and determine if a student’s residency falls within District 140 boundaries.
If your residency is verified through the CLEAR process, you will not need to submit additional documentation to certify that you live within the District.
If your residency is not verified through the CLEAR process, you will be contacted prior to the start of the school year and asked to submit the documents from Category I and Category II listed below. All documents must be current and show your name and address.
Category I: (one document required)
- Current closing papers
- Signed and dated lease with two rent receipts
- Mortgage statement or payment book/coupon
- Most recent property tax bill and proof of payment (i.e., canceled check or Form 1098)
Category II: (two documents required)
- Driver’s License/State ID
- Current utility bill – gas, electric, water, cable, phone
- Vehicle Registration
- Most recent credit card bill
- Current bank statement
- Proof of payment for current homeowner’s or renter’s insurance premium
When registering a new student, you will be asked to upload your student’s birth certificate and contact your child’s school to schedule an in-person appointment to submit an ORIGINAL birth certificate with the county seal affixed before your registration can be approved.
For children born in Cook County, birth certificates may be obtained from the Cook County Clerk’s office at or by calling 866-252-8974.
It is necessary to provide the District with a parent’s cell, work, and an emergency contact phone number.
More information and registration forms can be found on the District website at
Age Requirements for Kindergarten
Students will be admitted into Kindergarten if they are five years of age on or before September 1 of the school year they are registering for. All students must meet the age cutoff/requirement determined by the State. Additionally, Kirby School District complies with the Illinois Accelerated Placement Act, Public Act 100-0421, and provides early access to educational services for kindergarten and first-grade students to meet the needs of the highly advanced gifted child. For further information, please contact Dr. Meghan M. Ramirez, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction.
Age Requirements for First Grade
A child must be six years of age on or before September 1 of the school year they are registering for.
Transfer Students
Students transferring from Kirby School District 140 or between schools within the District, should contact their school office regarding transfer procedures.
Resident Students
Policy 7:60
School Calendar
Please visit to review important events and dates for the upcoming school year.
This District calendar is shown by default. To customize your view, click Select Calendar and choose the school(s) you want to include.
School Hours
Children are discouraged from arriving at school more than ten minutes before classes begin, and they are not to remain after being dismissed from school unless they are attending an after-school activity. The playgrounds are unsupervised during these times; therefore, parents allowing children to arrive early or remain after dismissal do so at their own risk. For the safety of your child, please observe the school’s starting times.
Teachers and Principals cannot allow children to be taken from the building by anyone other than a parent or guardian. Prior arrangements should be made with the school office if it is necessary to have a child dismissed from school early.
School hours vary between middle schools and elementary schools for bus route scheduling. Actual dismissal times will vary depending upon whether your child is a car rider, walker, or bus rider.
School Hours:
- K-5 Elementary Students: 7:55 a.m. - 2:25 p.m.
- Middle School Students: 8:40 a.m. - 3:07 p.m.
- Half-Day Kindergarten: 7:55 a.m. - 11:10 a.m.
- A.M. Early Childhood: 7:55 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
- P.M. Early Childhood: 11:50 a.m. - 2:25 p.m.
- A.M. KSD 140 Preschool: 8:10 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
- P.M. KSD 140 Preschool: 11:40 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Middle School Activity Bus
- Activity Dismissal: 4:05 p.m.
- Activity Bus Departure: 4:10 p.m.
Half-Day Schedule:
- K-5 Elementary Students (Including Half-Day Kindergarten): 7:55 a.m. - 11:10 a.m.
- Middle School Students: 8:40 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
- A.M. Early Childhood: 7:55 a.m. - 9:20 a.m.
- P.M. Early Childhood: 9:45 a.m. - 11:10 a.m.
- A.M. KSD 140 Preschool: 8:10 a.m. - 9:10 a.m.
- P.M. KSD 140 Preschool: 9:40 a.m. - 10:40 a.m.
Half-Day In-Service Program
A half-day in-service program was approved by the Board of Education to help provide time for staff development activities. On select days during the school year, the District will shorten some pupil attendance days for in-service activities. The time will be used by the staff to provide for team meetings, committee meetings, curriculum development projects, articulation activities, and preparation for special events.
The Half-Day dates for students are listed on our school calendar.
Institute Days
On these days, District 140 professional staff members “go back to school” to freshen and add to their skills. Institute Days are non-attendance days for students and are indicated on this school calendar.
Make-Up, eLearning, and Early Release Days
The decision to implement District 140’s inclement weather protocol will be made after carefully assessing a given weather situation. The safety of our students is at the forefront of the decision-making process. In the event of inclement weather, the District will implement one of the following three options:
- Make-Up Day - School Canceled
All school buildings will be closed, and students will make up the severe weather day at the end of the school year. - eLearning Day
All school buildings will be closed; however, students and staff will complete the school day from home. This eliminates the need to make up days at the end of the school year. - Early Release Day - Early Dismissal
Due to forecasted inclement weather, there may be some rare occasions where it will be necessary to operate on a Half-Day schedule. Students will not eLearn at home in the afternoon, and this day does not need to be made up at the end of the school year. On a Half-Day schedule, elementary schools dismiss at 11:10 am, and middle schools dismiss at 12 noon.
School and Program Locations
Elementary and Middle School Addresses and Phone Numbers
- John A. Bannes School - Kelly Folliard, Principal
- Address: 16835 S. Odell Ave., Tinley Park, IL 60477
- Phone: 708-532-6466
- Fernway Park School - Sandy Hutchinson, Principal
- Address:16600 S. 88th Ave., Orland Park, IL 60462
- Phone: 708-349-3810
- Helen Keller School - Julie Simpson, Principal
- Address: 7846 W. 163rd St., Tinley Park, IL 60477
- Phone: 708-532-2144
- Christa McAuliffe School - James Hanley, Principal
- Address: 8944 W. 174th St., Tinley Park, IL 60487
- Phone: 708-429-4565
- Millennium Elementary School - Julianne Cosentino, Principal
- Address: 17830 S. 84th Ave., Tinley Park, IL 60487
- Phone: 708-532-3150
- Prairie View Middle School - Maura R. Baskovich, Principal, and John Conley, Assistant Principal
- Address: 8500 W. 175th St., Tinley Park, IL 60487
- Phone: 708-532-8540
- Virgil I. Grissom Middle School - Michael Rumbaugh, Principal, and Alex Weinberg, Assistant Principal
- Address: 17000 S. 80th Ave., Tinley Park, IL 60477
- Phone:708-429-3030
Early Childhood (EC) and Preschool Locations
Early Childhood and Preschool Program locations may vary by year based on District needs and enrollment. For more information, please contact our Department of Special Services at 708-532-8537.
Student Services
Kirby School District 140 provides a free and appropriate public education for all students with disabilities who are three years of age and older. The District provides programs and appropriate related services for students who have been identified as needing such services in order to have access to and gain benefit from the regular education curricula. If you have any questions concerning special education programs and services or concerning the educational rights of students with disabilities, please contact the Department of Special Services at 708-532-8537.
Special Services and Referrals
District 140 provides special education and related services to students who are identified as having a recognized disability under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA-2004) or handicapped under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Students who may be eligible and in need of special services may be identified through the District screening process or by referral. Students who do not qualify for an Individualized Education Program may be eligible for services under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
As a parent, should you have reason to believe that your child may be entitled to special education services, you may request an evaluation. To request an evaluation, please address a letter to your building principal including the following information: name, age, and grade of your child, the reason you are requesting an evaluation, and your complete name and address.
Any questions you may have regarding the referral process or the District's special education services may be directed to your Building Principal or to the Assistant Superintendent of Special Services, Dr. Mary Dwyer. Dr. Dwyer can be reached via email or by phone at 708-532-6462.
Education of Children with Disabilities
Policy 6:120
Birth Through Two Programs (in conjunction with Child & Family Connections)
Early intervention is important. Research has demonstrated that it can have a positive effect on the long-term impact of a diagnosed disability, some medical conditions, or some environmental factors that may have a negative impact on a student’s education. The District’s association with Child and Family Connections is designed to have a positive impact on the lives of infants, young children, and their families. To obtain service or information, please contact the Special Services Program Supervisor at 708-532-8537.
Preschool Screening
District 140 provides a screening upon parent request for children who have turned three years of age or older prior to the opening day of school. The purpose of this screening is to determine if your child may be at risk for future academic difficulty. Additional screenings for students who are three years of age or older are also provided. Children’s development in the areas of speech, language, fine motor, gross motor, and concept formation are screened. The results of these screenings are used to identify students who might be at risk of developing difficulties with school and to identify students for further evaluation if a disability is suspected. For additional information, please call the Department of Special Services at 708-532-8537.
Kirby School District 140 Preschool Program
Our Kirby School District 140 Preschool Program is a half-day program that provides an enriching experience for three to five-year-old children. The Preschool Program is taught by Illinois State Board of Education licensed Early Childhood teachers using research-based curriculum and programs aligned to Illinois Early Learning Standards. Following the Creative Curriculum method of center-based instruction, students receive instruction that is tailored to their needs, allowing advanced learners to move forward as they achieve mastery and providing necessary scaffolding and support to struggling learners to allow them to gain confidence and mastery of skills. Teachers are efficient in focusing on the learning needs of each student to foster engaged and enthusiastic learners. Fees for this program will be reviewed annually. No transportation services are provided for this program.
Vision/Hearing Screenings
District 140 nurses conduct vision and hearing screenings for its students according to the following schedule. Vision screenings are conducted for all students in early childhood, kindergarten, second grade, eighth grade, all new students to the District, and annually for all students who receive special education. Hearing screenings are conducted for all students in early childhood, kindergarten, first grade, second grade, third grade, all new students to the District, and annually for all students receiving special education.
Public Act 93-0504 requires entities, including schools that conduct vision screenings, to notify parents/guardians in writing that such vision screening is not a substitute for a complete eye and vision evaluation by an eye doctor.
Children are not required to undergo the vision screening if an optometrist or ophthalmologist has completed and signed a report form indicating that an examination has been conducted within the previous twelve months. If your child meets this requirement, please contact your school’s nurse.
Accommodating Individuals with Disabilities
Policy 8:70
Illinois School for the Deaf / Illinois School for the Visually Impaired
If a student is deaf/hard of hearing or blind/visually impaired, the student might be eligible to receive services from the Illinois School for the Deaf or from the Illinois School for the Visually Impaired. If you would like more information on the schools’ services, admissions criteria, or contact information, please contact the Department of Special Services at 708-532-8537.
Speech/Language Screening
Periodically throughout the school year, Speech-Language Pathologists of Kirby School District 140 will be evaluating children for possible articulation, fluency (stuttering), voice, or language problems. Those students to be screened include: 1) new students to the District who have not been previously screened; and 2) pupils recommended by their classroom teacher or parent. Parents will be notified of screening results.
Special Services Transportation
Transportation needs for students with disabilities are discussed at the student’s IEP meeting. If you have any transportation concerns, please contact the student’s teacher, the building principal, or the Department of Special Services to arrange an IEP meeting. Per State regulations, unauthorized riders are not allowed to ride a bus with a student. Only individuals who have been authorized by the District or the student’s IEP team may ride the bus. Therefore, parents or other individuals may not ride the bus with the students. Should a student with disabilities have special needs that require the bus driver’s knowledge, such information will be shared with the bus driver. The bus driver is held to a strict code of confidentiality, so the driver, therefore, cannot discuss any student’s personal information with anyone other than specified school personnel. If you have any questions or concerns regarding a student’s eligibility for transportation services, please contact the Department of Special Services at 708-532-8537.
Student Athlete Concussions and Head Injuries Policy
Student Athlete Concussions and Head Injuries
Policy 7:305
Student Fees, Fines, and Charges
School District 140 charges specific fees for curricular and non-curricular activities and programs. Such fees or charges are determined by the cost of materials, shipping/handling fees, and add-on fees for technology. The school and staff do not make a profit.
Fees may be waived in situations where there is financial hardship (refer to the Income Eligibility Guidelines chart below). Requests for free milk/lunch and student fee waivers should be made to District 140’s Director of Business Services after July 1. Documentation must be provided as proof of receiving the following assistance: SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families), Income Eligible Medicaid, or Foster Child. Appeal of the decision regarding waiver of fees may be made to the Superintendent. See Policy 4:140, Waiver of Student Fees, for more information.
FY 2024-2025 Income Eligibility Guidelines
The United States Department of Agriculture has issued the following income guidelines for the period of July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025: | |||
# of People | Level of Income for Free Lunch/Milk | ||
1 | $19,578 | $1,632 | $377 |
2 | $26,572 |
$2,215 |
$511 |
3 | $33,566 |
$2,798 |
$646 |
4 | $40,560 | $3,380 | $780 |
5 |
$47,554 | $3,963 | $915 |
6 | $54,548 | $4,546 | $1,049 |
7 | $61,542 | $5,129 | $1,184 |
8 | $68,536 | $5,712 |
$1,318 |
For each additional family member, add | |||
+ $6,994 | + $583 | + $135 |
FY 2025-2026 Income Eligibility Guidelines
The United States Department of Agriculture has yet to issue income guidelines for the period of July 1, 2025 through June 30, 2026. This document will be updated as soon as the district receives the new guidelines.
Students using school property and equipment can be fined for excessive wear and abuse of the property and equipment. The fine will be used to pay for the damage, not to make a profit.
Late fines can be avoided when students return borrowed materials promptly. Materials may be needed by others.
All Fees will be paid through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal.
Payment may be made by checking, savings, or debit/credit card (Visa, Discover, or MasterCard) and returned to the student’s home school. Payment by cash must be made, in person, at the Administration Building or student’s home school. We request that you register your returning students or inform us of transferring students, as soon as possible.
The Instructional Materials Fees are charged annually to all pupils in the amount adopted by the Board of Education.
2024-25 School Year Required Fees
Early Childhood through Eighth-Grade Instructional Materials Fee (includes textbook, technology and supply fees)
- Preschool Program:
- Student Fee: $2500
- EC/Kindergarten:
- Student Fee: $180
- Grades 1 - 5:
- Student Fee: $190
- Grades 6 - 8:
- Student Fee: $200
- Special Education Out-of-District Placement:
- EC/Kindergarten:
- Student Fee: $180
- Grades 1 - 5:
- Student Fee: $190
- Grades 6 - 8:
- Student Fee: $200
- EC/Kindergarten:
2024-25 School Year - Additional Student Fees
- Milk (Fat-free chocolate or 1% white): $25
- Middle School Eighth-grade Graduation: $40
- NSF Check Return Fee: $25
- Optional Transportation Fee:
- Transportation Fee, if registered and placed on the optional transportation waiting list: $900
2025-26 School Year Required Fees
Early Childhood through Eighth-Grade Instructional Materials Fee (includes textbook, technology and supply fees)
- Preschool Program:
- Student Fee if paid on or before April 30, 2025: $2400
- Student Fee if paid after April 30, 2025: $2500
- EC/Kindergarten:
- Student Fee if paid on or before April 30, 2025: $145
- Student Fee if paid after April 30, 2025: $180
- Grades 1 - 5:
- Student Fee if paid on or before April 30, 2025: $155
- Student Fess if paid after April 30, 2025: $190
- Grades 6 - 8:
- Student Fee if paid on or before April 30, 2025: $165
- Student Fee is paid after April 30, 2025: $200
- Special Education Out-of-District Placement:
- EC/Kindergarten:
- Student Fee if paid on or before April 30, 2025: $145
- Student Fee is paid after April 30, 2025: $180
- Grades 1 - 5:
- Student Fee if paid on or before April 30, 2025: $155
- Student Fee is paid after April 30, 2025: $190
- Grades 6 - 8:
- Student Fee if paid on or before April 30, 2025: $165
- Student Fee is paid after April 30, 2025: $200
- EC/Kindergarten:
2025-26 School Year - Additional Student Fees
- Milk (Fat-free chocolate or 1% white): $52
- Middle School Eighth-grade Graduation: $40
- NSF Check Return Fee: $25
- Optional Transportation Fee:
- Transportation Fee, if registered and placed on the optional transportation waiting list on or before April 30, 2025: $800
- Transportation Fee, if registered and placed on the optional transportation waiting list after April 30, 2025: $900
Past Due Fees
Any registration fees (instructional materials fees only) that are past due for over 90 days will be sent to collections. Prior to being sent to collections, the parent/guardian will be notified of these past-due fees with three separate notifications. During this time, the parent/guardian may call or come into the Administration Building to challenge the existence, amount, and current collectability of the debt prior to collections.
Student Accident Insurance
Kirby School District 140 does not carry accident insurance on students. Please review your family's health and accident insurance to determine if it offers the kind of protection you feel your student needs. Information concerning student accident insurance will be available at
This insurance is offered through a private company. It is not offered or sponsored by the District. Kirby School District 140 does not endorse this plan or its coverage over any other. If you are interested in accident insurance for your student, you may enroll online or print out an enrollment form and mail it to the insurance company. Do not send it to the school.
Student Information and Some Board Policies
All Board of Education Policies can be found on BoardDocs. These policies may be amended during the year without notice.
Reporting Student Progress
The school year is divided into four (4) grading periods. Report cards are sent home at the close of each period. In addition, parent-teacher conferences are scheduled at various times during the school year.
Student Absences
When a child is going to be absent from classes, the office of the school that the child attends must be notified by telephone. This notification should be made by the parents during the first hour of school. Upon your child's return to school, remember to send a note with your child stating the reason for the absence, their full name, date(s) of absence, and your signature. Students must be present during regular school hours to participate in after-school activities or events. Refer to Policy 7:70 Attendance and Truancy for further information.
In the event your child will be absent from school due to a vacation, the absence will be considered excused. Upon their return to school, they will receive information on missed assignments and classwork/homework. Any work missed due to vacations will not be included in the child’s grade average.
Teachers are not expected to re-teach material missed during this time away from school. While we understand that there are occasions when students must miss school due to family obligations, we ask that you help us in our mission to emphasize the value of education by making sure your child’s absence from school is kept to a minimum.
Student Management
The school community is comprised of students, parents, and school staff. The rules and regulations are the laws of this community. All of those enjoying the rights of citizenship in the school community must also accept the responsibility of citizenship.
If a student consistently disobeys rules or violates the rights of others, disciplinary action must be considered. The first level in dealing with such problems is between the student, teacher, and parent. If the misbehavior persists, the principal may recommend that the student be suspended from school for a period of time. Every attempt will be made to counsel, advise, and guide all parties to a solution. Parent cooperation is necessary and appreciated. While the use of positive behavioral interventions is always encouraged prior to the use of more restrictive interventions, each special education student who requires the use of a restrictive behavioral intervention is to have a written Behavior Intervention Plan developed by the IEP team and included in the student’s IEP. Parents have the right to be involved actively in the development of any Behavior Management Plan utilizing restrictive procedures. Procedures for considering and implementing behavioral interventions have been developed by the District and are available upon request to the Assistant Superintendent of Special Services.
Student Responsibilities
Students are guaranteed certain rights and have corresponding responsibilities. It is the duty of parents, teachers, and administrators to protect students’ rights while maintaining a school atmosphere conducive to teaching and learning. The concept of balancing individual rights with the rights of society is as valid in our school as in our community.
There are certain special responsibilities required of students:
- To become informed of and adhere to reasonable rules and regulations established by the School Board and implemented by school administrators and teachers.
- To respect the rights and individuality of other students, school administrators, and teachers.
- To avoid using inappropriate language in spoken and written expression.
- To dress and groom in a manner that meets reasonable standards of health, cleanliness, and safety.
- To be punctual and present for the regular or assigned school program, to the best of one’s ability.
- To refrain from gross disobedience, misconduct, and any behavior which disrupts the educational process.
- To attain the highest possible level of academic achievement.
- To display honesty in all you do.
- To respect school property and to refrain from vandalizing your school and its contents.
- To respect the authority of school administrators and teachers in school and at school-sponsored activities.
Lost and Found
During the school year, many articles of clothing and other items such as jewelry, lunch boxes, and other personal belongings end up in the school office “lost and found.”
Please be aware of these guidelines:
- Valuables should not be brought to school.
- Students should keep track of the coats, gloves, hats, and scarves worn to school.
- Whenever possible, identification tags should be attached to each child’s possessions.
- A report of lost, damaged, or stolen articles should be filed with the school office.
The “lost and found” will be open for inspection in school buildings during the year, and found articles will be prominently displayed at a school function before the end of the school year.
Unclaimed “lost and found” articles may be donated to a not-for-profit organization after the end of the school year.
Students’ school lockers are the school's property and are to be used to store books, school supplies, and outdoor garments. School officials may search lockers with or without student knowledge or consent if there is reasonable suspicion that illegal or dangerous materials or substances are in the lockers.
Bicycles must be parked in the spaces provided. We encourage bicycles to be registered with the police department and provided with locks. The school is not responsible for damage or theft of bicycles on or off school property.
Student Dismissal Precautions
No staff member shall excuse any pupil from school prior to the end of the school day, or into any person's custody, without the direct prior approval and knowledge of the building administrator.
The building administrator shall not excuse a pupil before the end of the school day without a request for early dismissal by the student's parent/guardian(s). Requests for early dismissal of a pupil shall be honored only if the person can be positively identified as the pupil's parent or guardian. If the parent/guardian is unable to pick up the pupil personally, they must contact the school with the name of the person who will be arriving instead.
Supervision of Students Before and After School
Students are permitted on school grounds no more than ten minutes before or after the regular school day, except when participating in a school-sponsored activity. Supervision will not be provided by the District at times when students are not permitted on school grounds.
Ivy League before and after-school care students will not be allowed in school buildings unless Ivy League personnel are present.
Building Security Policies and Procedures
- All school doors will be secured during the school day.
- At least one adult must be on duty in the school office during student attendance hours.
- Visitors shall all enter at the main entrance and always register in the school office. Notice shall be posted on all major entrance doors directing entry to the main entrance. Each building is equipped with a security camera and admittance buzzer at the main entrance.
- The building office staff shall monitor all entry into and exit from the building. Visitors are persons having to conduct school business (parent/teacher conferences, PTO officers, staffing, etc.). Parents and others dropping off lunches, school papers, etc., who will not "visit" the school, shall not be required to sign in but shall be monitored.
- Staff members should greet or offer assistance to any strangers passing through the building, particularly those not displaying a "VISITOR" pass. Anyone not displaying a "VISITOR" pass should be directed to the office for a pass. Teachers will immediately notify the office as to a stranger's presence.
- Teachers/Aides will have access to a key and a portable communications device for playground supervision at recess and/or physical education.
- There shall be several exit door inspections by the custodian during the school day, which will include a complete inspection of the perimeter of the building.
- All schools will have intercom systems with public address and two-way "call-back” capability for all classrooms, offices, and maintenance areas.
Policies on Student Conduct and Discipline
Statement from the Board of Education
The Board of Education strongly believes that good student conduct is an essential element in achieving an educational program in which students learn and mature effectively. The Board also believes that, to a considerable extent, good student conduct is achieved by promptly and firmly disciplining students whose conduct is not acceptable.
So that students and parents may be informed of the general standards of conduct to which students are expected to adhere and of the major disciplinary measures that may be imposed for unacceptable conduct, the Board has adopted certain policies and directed that they be distributed to students and parents. These policies, however, cannot be fully effective in maintaining good student discipline in the schools without the cooperation and concern of parents and students. The Board thus requests parents and students to carefully read and become familiar with these policies. If any questions arise concerning the policies, parents, and students are encouraged to discuss the policies first with administrative staff members and then with the Board if further questions remain.
The Board, administrative staff, and teachers are strongly committed to fair and effective enforcement of these policies in order to maintain good student discipline in the schools. With the understanding and cooperation of parents and students, we can all work together to help ensure an educational climate in our schools in which all students can learn and mature effectively.
Rules and Regulations Governing Student Conduct
This section includes some important information relating to student conduct and discipline: (1) a statement by the Board of Education; (2) a resolution adopted by the Board of Education; and (3) a list of Board of Education policies pertaining to the topic of student conduct and discipline. These are presented at the beginning of each school year to make you aware of the most current changes in School Board policy, and to solicit your help in maintaining high standards of student conduct through a cooperative relationship between the home and the school.
District 140 has always taken pride in maintaining high standards and will continue to do so. We intend to do everything in our power to enforce reasonable regulations that will allow our students and teachers to function in an atmosphere conducive to good learning.
Detention and Suspension
Teachers may detain a student after school for misconduct or to complete an assignment. Teachers will inform parents of the time, date, and reason for detention. Parent/guardian(s) are expected to provide after-school transportation for detained students.
A student may be suspended from school by a building administrator or the superintendent when it is in the school’s best interest. Suspension always includes the requirement that the suspended student’s parent/guardian(s) meet with an administrator to solve the problem. Students may not be suspended for more than ten (10) consecutive days for one incident, except by action of the Board of Education.
Teen Dating Violence Prohibited
Policy 7:185
Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment
Policy 7:180
Discrimination and Harassment on the Basis of Race, Color, and National Origin Prohibited
Policy 2:270
Student Appearance
Policy 7:160
Student Behavior
Policy 7:190
Suspension Procedures
Policy 7:200
Expulsion Procedures
Policy 7:210
Attendance and Truancy
Policy 7:70
Search and Seizure
Policy 7:140
Access to Electronic Networks
Policy 6:235
Student Data Privacy; Notice to Parents About Education Technology Vendors
School districts throughout the State of Illinois contract with different educational technology vendors for beneficial K-12 purposes such as providing personalized learning and innovative educational technologies, and increasing efficiency in school operations.
Under Illinois’ Student Online Personal Protection Act, or SOPPA (105 ILCS 85/), educational technology vendors and other entities that operate Internet websites, online services, online applications, or mobile applications that are designed, marketed, and primarily used for K-12 school purposes are referred to in SOPPA as operators. SOPPA is intended to ensure that student data collected by operators is protected, and it requires those vendors, as well as school districts and the Ill. State Board of Education, to take a number of actions to protect online student data.
Depending upon the particular educational technology being used, our District may need to collect different types of student data, which is then shared with educational technology vendors through their online sites, services, and/or applications. Under SOPPA, educational technology vendors are prohibited from selling or renting a student’s information or from engaging in targeted advertising using a student’s information. Such vendors may only disclose student data for K-12 school purposes and other limited purposes permitted under the law.
In general terms, the types of student data that may be collected and shared include personally identifiable information (PII) about students or information that can be linked to PII about students, such as:
- Basic identifying information, including student or parent/guardian name and student or parent/guardian contact information, username/password, student ID number
- Demographic information
- Enrollment information
- Assessment data, grades, and transcripts
- Attendance and class schedule
- Academic/extracurricular activities
- Special indicators (e.g., disability information, English language learner, free/reduced meals, or homeless/foster care status)
- Conduct/behavioral data
- Health information
- Food purchases
- Transportation information
- In-application performance data
- Student-generated work
- Online communications
- Application metadata and application use statistics
- Permanent and temporary school student record information
Operators may collect and use student data only for K-12 purposes, which are purposes that aid in the administration of school activities, such as:
- Instruction in the classroom or at home (including remote learning)
- Administrative activities
- Collaboration between students, school personnel, and/or parents/guardians
- Other activities that are for the use and benefit of the school district
Misconduct by Students with Disabilities
Policy 7:230
Grading and Promotion
Policy 6:280
School Wellness
Policy 6:50
Health, Eye, and Dental Examinations; Immunization; and Exclusion of Students
Policy 7:100
Anaphylaxis Prevention, Response, and Management Program
Policy 7:285
Administering Medicines to Students
Policy 7:270
Student Records - Rights & Privacy
What are Student Records?
A student record is the written history on the performance and the activities of any child enrolled in school. This record will contain all of the state and federal-mandated information and any other information necessary to evaluate a student's progress. It will also give a brief description of that student’s tenure in a local public school.
Student records are broken into two parts: the permanent record, the record which is kept for at least sixty years; and the temporary record which must be destroyed five years after a student leaves. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) have the right to obtain a copy of such a file of materials at any time prior to its destruction. These two parts of the record contain different types of information which would be necessary for the student for the rest of his life. The temporary record contains the set of information that is most important to have during the student's school years.
All student records are open to parental inspection. If you wish to review your child’s records, please make an appointment with your child’s principal. Files are reviewed only in the presence of district personnel and, in the case of psychological data, with the assistance of a Special Services staff member. Staff members will explain and interpret student records to parents. For further information, please see policy 7:15, Student and Family Privacy Rights.
Student Records
Policy 7:340
Policy 4:170
Targeted School Violence Prevention Program
Policy 4:190
Employee Ethics; Code of Professional Conduct; and Conflict of Interest
Policy 5:120
Ahera Public Notification
Based upon the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) and the Illinois Department of Public Health requirements, it is the responsibility of Kirby School District 140 to inform each parent/guardian that our asbestos management plans are available for review.
Asbestos Management Plans, six-month inspections, three-year re-inspections, and past abatement projects that have occurred during the summertime or on an emergency basis are available for review at the District office.
Any parent or guardian of a student may request to receive a written notice before any pesticide, other than an antimicrobial agent such as a disinfectant, or an insecticide or rodenticide bait, is used in a school building or on school grounds. Parents or guardians requesting written notice must submit such a request in writing to the Operations Coordinator at the Administration Building, 16931 South Grissom Drive, Tinley Park. Notice will be given at least two business days in advance. See Policy 4:160 Environmental Quality of Buildings and Grounds for further information.
Control of Casual Contact Communicable Diseases and Pests
Because a school has a high concentration of people, it is necessary to take specific measures when the health or safety of the group is at risk. The school’s professional staff has the authority to remove or isolate a student who has been ill or has been exposed to a communicable disease or highly transient pest, such as lice.
Specific diseases include diphtheria, scarlet fever, strep infections, whooping cough, mumps, measles, rubella, and other conditions indicated by the Local and State Health Departments.
Any removal will only be for the contagious period as specified in the school’s administrative guidelines.
Control of Non-Casual Contact Communicable Diseases
In the case of non-casual contact with communicable diseases, the school still has the obligation to protect the safety of the staff and students. In these cases, the person in question will have his/her status reviewed by a panel of resource people, including the County Health Department, to ensure that the rights of the person affected and those in contact with that person are respected. The school will seek to keep students and staff persons in school unless there is definitive evidence to warrant exclusion.
Non-casual contact communicable diseases include sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome), ARC-AIDS Related Complex, HIV (Human immunodeficiency), Hepatitis B, and other diseases that may be specified by the State Board of Health.
As required by Federal law, parents will be requested to have their child’s blood checked for HIV, HBV, and other blood-borne pathogens when the child has bled at school, and students or staff members have been exposed to the blood. Any testing is subject to laws protecting confidentiality.
Student Records, Rights, and Privacy
What Are Student Records?
A student record is the written history on the performance and the activities of any child enrolled in school. This record will contain all of the state and federal-mandated information and any other information necessary to evaluate a student's progress. It will also give a brief description of that student’s tenure in a local public school.
Student records are broken into two parts: the permanent record, the record which is kept for at least sixty years; and the temporary record which must be destroyed five years after a student leaves. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) have the right to obtain a copy of such a file of materials at any time prior to its destruction. These two parts of the record contain different types of information which would be necessary for the student for the rest of his life. The temporary record contains the set of information that is most important to have during the student's school years.
All student records are open to parental inspection. If you wish to review your child’s records, please make an appointment with your child’s principal. Files are reviewed only in the presence of district personnel and, in the case of psychological data, with the assistance of a Special Services staff member. Staff members will explain and interpret student records to parents. For further information, please see policy 7:15, Student and Family Privacy Rights
Student Records
Policy 7:340
Release of Records
In general, no personally identifiable records or files (or personal information from either) may be made available to individuals, agencies, or organizations without the written consent of parents, guardians, or students over 18 years. However, limited exceptions are made. The records are available to the following individuals or groups:
- other school officials, including teachers within the educational institution or local agency who may have legitimate educational interests;
- officials of other schools or school systems where the student intends to enroll, provided the student's parents are notified of the transfer of records and receive a copy of the record if desired, and have an opportunity for a hearing to challenge the content of the record if they desire;
- authorized representatives of the Controller General of the United States, the secretary and administrative head of an educational agency;
- organizations or agencies in connection with a student's application for or receipt of financial aid.
Information may be released in connection with an emergency to appropriate persons if such information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other persons.
The school shall grant access to information contained in school student records to persons authorized or required by State or Federal law. Parents, guardians, or eligible students have the right to request a copy of the information released.
In families where parents are separated or divorced, the granting of custody to one parent does not alter the rights of the other unless there is a court order specifically on this point. Any parent may have access to his student's records for the purpose of reviewing them.
The records of a student shall be transferred by the records custodian to the school in which the student has enrolled, or intends to enroll, upon request of the records custodian of the other school. The parent shall have the opportunity to inspect, copy, and challenge such information.
Release of information other than to those specified above requires the prior, specific, dated, written consent of the parent designating the person to whom such records may be released, reason for release, and specific records to be released.
Kirby School District 140 owns and operates its own transportation system.
In establishing the bus routes, it is our responsibility to schedule the safest and shortest route to and from the school building that your child attends. Assigned bus routes are those located closest to the student's home address. We reserve the right to assign bus stops if necessary. Students will not be able to change bus routes.
If a student misses the bus, transportation must be provided by the parent/guardian.
School bus transportation is provided for students of School District 140 who:
- Live one and one-half miles (1.5) or more from the school they attend or are in a state-designated hazardous road area, free of charge.
- Are in grades Kindergarten through eighth and live less than one and one-half (1.5) miles from the school they attend, at an annual fee established by the Board of Education of Kirby School District 140. These students are considered optional bus riders.
Optional riders’ bus fees are established each year. If a parent chooses not to pay for the bus, they have the option of paying at a later date – provided there is room on that particular bus. The Board of Education limits this to 100 students, and if the route is already full, they will be put on a waiting list. See Special Services Transportation section of Student Services for information regarding students with Individual Education Plans (IEPs).
Transportation Fees
A student living .7 to 1.5 miles from school
- Paid in full by April 30: $800
- Paid in full on or after April 30: $900
Administrative Fee for Child Care Transportation: $75.00
Transportation for students to and from child-care providers will be provided under certain conditions. Please contact the Transportation Department at 708-532-8539 for details.
(Picture provided by AAA)
School Bus Safety
A child’s clothing can be dangerous when getting off the school bus. Dangerous clothing that can get caught in handrails, doors, or other areas include jackets or sweatshirts with drawstrings, backpack straps, scarves, or other loose clothing.
Please talk with your children about these safety rules:
- Stay away from danger zones around the bus.
- If you drop something near the bus, don’t pick it up. The driver may not see you. Tell the driver and follow his/her instructions.
- Remember that motorists don’t always stop for the school bus. Use extreme caution when getting on or off the bus.
- To ensure a safe and clean environment for all students, eating and drinking are not permitted on the school bus.
Bus Rider Safety Instructions
Please take a few minutes to review the following bus rider regulations. These regulations have been established to help ensure that all bus riders will travel between home and school under the safest conditions possible. A large part of the success we experience during the school year will depend upon your cooperation.
School bus riders, while in transit, are under the jurisdiction of the school bus driver unless the Board of Education designates another adult to supervise the riders.
Students must:
- Stay off the road at all times while waiting for the bus.
- Be careful in approaching the place where the bus stops. Do not move toward the bus until the bus has been brought to a complete stop.
- Obey the lawful instructions of the bus driver.
- Remain seated and face forward while on the bus.
- Be alert to a danger signal from the driver.
- Remain in the bus in the event of a road emergency until instructions are given by the driver.
- Keep hands and head inside the bus at all times after entering and until leaving the bus. Do not throw anything out of the bus windows. Windows are only to be opened and closed by authorized personnel.
- Remember that loud talking and laughing or unnecessary confusion diverts the driver’s attention and could result in a serious accident. Therefore, refrain from making loud and/or distracting noises.
- Be absolutely quiet when approaching a railroad crossing stop.
- Treat bus equipment as you would valuable furniture in your own home. Never tamper with the bus or any of its equipment.
- Assist in keeping the bus safe and sanitary at all times.
- Carry no animals on the bus.
- Keep books, packages, coats, and all other objects out of the aisles.
- Leave no books, lunches, or other articles on the bus.
- Be courteous to fellow pupils and the bus driver; refrain from pushing, hitting, moving about, and annoying others.
- Help look after the safety and comfort of smaller children.
- Do not ask the driver to stop at places other than the regular bus stops; the driver is not permitted to do this except by proper authorization from a school official.
- Observe safety precautions at the point of discharge. Where it is necessary to cross the street, proceed to the point at least 10 feet in front of the bus on the right shoulder of the street, where traffic may be observed in both directions.
- Observe the same rules and regulations on other trips under school sponsorship as you observe between home and school. Respect the wishes of the chaperones appointed by the school.
Bus drivers have been instructed to notify the school whenever violations of established regulations occur.
The principal, assistant principal, teacher, or bus driver may assign students certain seats on the bus.
Children may not “run after” the bus as it approaches or departs or run, crowd, or push while boarding.
Conduct which is unacceptable in school is prohibited on the bus.
Students will be subject to disciplinary action for bus rule violations. Disciplinary action may involve parent contact, parent conference, or suspension.
In cases of suspended bus riding privileges, the parents of the children involved become responsible for seeing that their children get to and from school safely and punctually.
The buses have been equipped with a video surveillance system. Recorded video may be used as part of the disciplinary procedures. Recordings may also be used for demonstration purposes.
Bus Conduct
Policy 7:220
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