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District News

D140 spelling bee winner with grissom middle school principal

Grissom Middle School sixth grader Jade Aranda won the District 140 Spelling Bee on May 22nd. Aranda clinched the victory by correctly spelling ...

As the school year draws to a close, we bid farewell to the Class of 2019.

Best of luck to the six KSD 140 athletes participating in the Special Olympics Track & Field State Games June 7-9 at Illinois State University in Bloomington Normal!

media center director julie rohan and millennium's winning team

Championship teams composed of third, fourth, and fifth grade students from each of D140’s elementary schools recently clashed in the District’s annual Battle of the Books ...

parent night presentation graphic

If you were unable to make our May 22nd Parent Night regarding D140’s Supplemental Services, please click here to view slides from our presentation.

brad hurtig greeting students

On Tuesday, May 21st, both District 140 middle schools hosted motivational speaker Brad...

stock market game winners

In a competition which drew thousands of middle school and high school participants from across Illinois, students from Mr. Cornfield's Geo Economics class took first in the Grades 4-8 division of the spring session of The Stock Market Game (SMG), an online portfolio simulation competition.

memorial day graphic

KSD 140 observes Memorial Day on Monday, May 27th. No school.

math bowl participants

Kirby School District 140 brought home nine awards from the annual South Cook Math Bowl held at Prairie State College on May 9th and May 10th. Quite a feat when you consider more than 200 contestants from almost 30 school districts competed each day in this awesome event.

students with their benches on the avenue art project

The Village of Tinley Park recently revealed the creations for their sixteenth annual “Benches on the Avenue” public art project. This year's theme is “Prized Page Turners” and features imaginative, three-dimensional works that depict some of the most extraordinary and captivating popular novels of all time.  Congratulations to two of our very own Prairie View Eagles ...

district administrators and students at awards ceremony

Ten outstanding fifth-grade students from Kirby School District 140 recently received Awards of Excellence at the Illinois Principals Association’s Student Recognition Breakfast.

track athletes running race

Student-athletes from Kirby School District 140 excelled at the Area E Special Olympics Track & Field Spring Games held at Thornwood High School in early May.

ksd140 logo

Please join us on Wednesday, May 22nd for an evening of information and learning brought to you by the staff of Kirby School District 140!

student holding njhs certificate

Congratulations to the 93 seventh grade students who were recently inducted into the Grissom and Prairie View chapters of the National Junior Honor Society (NJHS).

class of 2019 logo

KSD 140 would like to thank everyone involved in the preparations for our eighth grade parties held at the middle schools on Friday, May 3rd. Through the generosity of ...

cadet band

The Illinois Grade School State Band Festival was hosted once again this year on Saturday, April 27th at Prairie View Middle School. Ten bands, including KSD 140's Cadet, Concert, and Symphonic Bands, earned the opportunity to perform.

band director and guest performer

The KSD 140 Concert and Symphonic Band held their spring concert on Wednesday, May 1st at Prairie View and it did not disappoint!

Friday, May 3rd is a START Day. Elementary schools will be dismissed at 12:30 p.m. and middle schools will be dismissed at 1:20 p.m.

Friday, May 3rd is the last day to qualify for a discount on registration fees for the 2019-20 school year. All packets must be received by the end of the school day or postmarked by Friday, May 3rd in order to qualify for the discount.

special olympics athlete oath

Best of luck to the fifteen KSD 140 athletes participating in the Special Olympics Track & Field Spring Games at Thornwood High School on May 4th!

start day may 3 early dismissal reminder graphic

Just a reminder ... Friday, May 3rd is a START Day. Elementary schools will be dismissed at 12:30 p.m. and middle schools will be dismissed at 1:20 p.m.

photo of a soccer ball, football, and basketball

Grissom and Prairie View middle schools will be offering Summer Sports Camps for students in grades 5 - 8. Fees include ...

water fountain

Kirby School District 140 engaged Midwest Environmental Consulting Services, Inc. (MEC) to test water at our schools and is very pleased to report that all tests indicate there is no concern of any elevated lead content in the drinking water.

student artwork

Vote for Edwin!

April 24, 2019

A Fernway student has been nominated as Artist of the Week by Artsonia! To vote ...

band students in gymnasium

Check out our upcoming Band events!

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