District News
Check out the latest KSD 140 Connection!
A few reminders… April 14 is a Half-Day. No school April 15 and April 18. Enjoy the long weekend!
Online Registration and Residency Verification for the 2022-23 School Year is Open March 16 - May 18
Online Registration and Residency Verification for the 2022-23 school year will begin on Wednesday, March 16, and run through Wednesday, May 18.
Check out the latest KSD 140 Connection!
Prairie View Middle School’s Declamation team took home a first place trophy from the Southwest Interscholastic Conference (SWIC) championship held at Grissom Middle School on March 17.
Check out the latest KSD 140 Connection!
KSD 140's Spring Break is Monday, March 21 through Friday, March 25.
On Saturday, March 12th, the Cadet and Symphonic Bands earned Division I rankings at the Illinois Grade School Music Association (IGSMA) District Contest held at Central Middle School.
KSD 140’s Polar Plunge team took a dip in the frigid waters of Braidwood Recreation Club in Braidwood on Saturday, March 12th.
A referendum will appear on the Tuesday, June 28, 2022, Gubernatorial Primary Election ballot asking for voter permission to use our cash reserves to construct a new school building on the western portion of the existing Fernway property.
The Gubernatorial Primary Election Day, originally scheduled for March 15, 2022, has been changed to June 28, 2022.
Check out the latest KSD 140 Connection!
If you have not done so already, please be sure to take the 5Essentials Parent Survey by March 11. We must get a 20% parent response rate for our results to be reported.
KSD 140 celebrates Casimir Pulaski Day on Monday, March 7.
Elementary students and staff are invited to celebrate Read Across America by participating in our theme days from February 28 - March 4!
On Friday, February 25, the Centers for Disease Control announced that it no longer requires wearing masks on buses or vans operated by public or private school systems, including early care and education/child care programs.
Coach Mahy gave a heartfelt speech honoring three of our upcoming retirees at the last home basketball game on Thursday, February 24.
The D140 Board of Education approved the 2022-23 School Year Calendar at their February 17 meeting.
D140’s Transportation Department is now using the Bus Bulletin notification system to notify parents/guardians when there are bus delays and schedule changes.
Students and staff are invited to participate in our 2.22.22 Celebration on Tuesday, February 22! Wear tie-dye, ties, or two of anything!
A Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) raffle is held at Grissom Middle School every other week. Students earn tickets from their teachers for exhibiting positive behavior and school spirit.
Due to inclement weather, Thursday, February 17 will be an eLearning Day for all students, teachers, and support staff. All students in PreK through eighth grade will learn remotely from 8 am until 1 pm.
In the annual food drive challenge between District 140's two middle schools, the Patriots edged out the Eagles in their week-long collection of non-perishable food items for Together We Cope.
On Saturday, February 12, Grissom and Prairie View band members participated in the Illinois Grade School Music Association (IGSMA) Solo & Ensemble Contest held at Liberty JHS in New Lenox.
KSD 140 celebrates Presidents' Day on Monday, February 21.
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