District News
Best of luck to the eight KSD 140 athletes at Illinois State University participating i...
Thanks to all the local and federal law enforcement officers and firemen who celebrated...
D140 fourth and fifth-grade athletes hit the track for an afternoon of friendly competi...
Congratulations to the 92 seventh-grade students who were recently inducted into the Gr...
As a school district, we always look for ways to improve our educational programs and s...
Wednesday, May 31, is the last day to qualify for a discount on student fees. Pare...
There is no school on Friday, May 26, and Monday, May 29. Classes resume on Tuesda...
Check out the latest KSD 140 Connection! The KSD 140 Connection is intended to infor...
Congratulations to the Prairie View girls' soccer team, who took the top spot in th...
We're excited to share KSD 140's new Strategic Plan with you! It's the resu...
D140 Mathematicians On May 18, D140 mathematicians were recognized by the Board of E...
As the school year draws to a close, we bid farewell to the Class of 2023. Graduatio...
Congratulations to the Prairie View girls' soccer team for placing first in the Sou...
Congratulations to fifth-grader Allison B. whose “Girl Scouts to the Moon and Bac...
The Lincolnway Special Recreation Association (LWSRA) took over Grissom’s P.E. cl...
Grissom Middle School’s Art Club recently participated in The Village of Tinley P...
Sixteen student-athletes from Kirby School District 140 excelled at the Area E Special ...
Early Childhood/Preschool (EC/P), Kindergarten, and returning student registration for ...
Through a partnership with the Oak Brook Chapter of Trout Unlimited, select eighth-grad...
Best of luck to the sixteen KSD 140 athletes participating in the Special Olympics Trac...
Fourteen outstanding students from Kirby School District 140 recently received Awards o...
On Monday, May 1, Millennium’s fourth graders experienced a virtual field trip to...
The KSD 140 Cadet and Symphonic Bands both received "Superior" ratings at las...
At last night’s Special Organizational meeting, the Board of Education seated re-...
Just a reminder ... Friday, May 5 is a Half-Day. Elementary schools will be dismis...
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