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Mission statement |
The mission of the Helen Keller PTO is to provide an avenue whereby parents, teachers and students can work cooperatively together to enhance the learning, social and emotional growth of the children enrolled at Helen Keller Elementary School. |
PTO Officers for 2024-25 School Year
Co-Presidents | Amanda Lill and Julie Vassiliou |
Vice-President | Brenda Franco |
Vice-President |
Katie Krolik |
Secretary | Jennifer McCarthy |
Treasurer | Sylvia DeSantis |
Public Relations | Raquel Govea |
Hot lunch coordinator | Lyndsey O'Keefe |
fundaiser Coordinator | Vanessa Nelson |
Working Together
The Helen Keller PTO is dedicated to making our school the very best it can be. During the year, the PTO sponsors a variety of events and other activities that help enrich the school year. Money for these events is raised through our Hot Lunch Program and other fundraisers throughout the year.
Please support Helen Keller School through our upcoming fundraisers. Last year, we were able to sponsor events for our students, such as Trunk or Treat, Spring Fest and much more. Click here is see what your PTO does/helps pay for. All of this was possible thanks to the generosity of parents.
Everyone is very welcome to attend our PTO meetings. We appreciate the help we have received from so many great volunteers and we look forward to meeting new parents. The dates and times of our meetings will be posted in the PTO newsletters that your child will bring home. We're looking forward to a great year!
- The PTO will support the goals and objectives established by the Kirby School District 140 Board and Helen Keller.
- The PTO will assist in supplying students and staff with supplemental learning materials and activities to enhance the curriculum.
- The PTO will promote school spirit, communication and social opportunities between students, parents and staff.
The goals are met by assisting with or providing the following services or activities for each goal.
- Activities and events that support the District goals include Pre Open House, PTO Advisory Board Meetings, Character Counts Program.
- Activities and materials that support supplemental learning include assemblies, assignment notebooks, summer reading programs, Scholastic Book Fairs, school supply kits, and $5/student for field trip use.
- Activities and events that support school spirit, communication and social opportunities include the hot lunch program, the PTO newsletter, spirit wear, Teacher Appreciation Week, extra-curricular activities and Springfest.
Fundraising activities that are in place to help financially support the above programs include Book Fairs, Box Tops, MannaExpress, Yankee Candle and more.
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