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Keller PTO’s Ties & Tiaras Dance A Success!

Students pose proudly in school gym during Ties and Tiaras PTO Dance

This past weekend, families gathered for a night of fun and memories at the Ties & Tiaras Dance hosted by the PTO. The event brought together students and their loved ones for an evening filled with music, dancing, and special moments.

Thank you to all the volunteers, PTO members, and school staff who made this event possible. Your dedication helped create an unforgettable experience for our students and their families.

Students pose proudly in school gym during Ties and Tiaras Dance     Student poses proudly with loved one during Ties and Tiaras Dance

Student poses proudly with loved one during Ties and Tiaras Dance     Students poses proudly with loved one during Ties and Tiaras Dance

Student poses proudly with loved one during Ties and Tiaras Dance     Students poses proudly with loved one during Ties and Tiaras Dance

Students poses in school commons during Ties and Tiaras Dance     Student poses proudly with loved one during Ties and Tiaras Dance

Students poses proudly with loved one during Ties and Tiaras Dance     Student poses proudly with loved one during Ties and Tiaras Dance

Student poses proudly with loved one during Ties and Tiaras Dance     Student poses proudly with loved one during Ties and Tiaras Dance

Student poses proudly with loved one during Ties and Tiaras Dance     Student poses proudly with loved one during Ties and Tiaras Dance

Student poses proudly with loved one during Ties and Tiaras Dance     Student poses proudly with loved one during Ties and Tiaras Dance


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