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Early Childhood Programs

Student working around a table in classroom

Birth Through Two Program in Conjunction with our local State Agency, Child and Family Connections #12

Early Intervention (EI) is important when a developmental delay has been determined through an EI assessment. Research has demonstrated that Early Intervention for children who show signs of developmental delays with access to early interventions services early on promotes increased skill development. These developmental areas include: communication, pre-readiness skills and fine and gross motor skills. Early Intervention also provides parents with the behavioral strategies to meet their child’s emotional needs.

For more information contact Child and Family Connections #12 at 708-429-8231.

Early Childhood Program

This special education half-day program is designed for three to five year old children (birthday prior to September 1st of current school year) who have been identified with a special education disability (i.e. Developmental Delay, Speech or Language Impairment, Autism, Orthopedic Impairment, Vision Impairment, Hearing Impairment, Other Health Impaired, Intellectual Disability, and Emotional Disability). This program provides the educational goals, services, and placement recommended for the child through the development of an Individualized Education Plan (IEP).

If you have any speech or developmental concerns with your child, an Early Childhood screening is available upon request by calling Special Services at 708-532-8537.

For more information, please contact our Department of Special Services at 708-532-8537.

Preschool Program

Program Overview

Our preschool program provides an enriching experience for three to five-year-old children. The program is taught by Illinois State Board of Education licensed Early Childhood teachers with Special Education and English Language (EL) certifications using research-based curriculum and programs aligned to the Illinois Early Learning and Development Standards. Following the Creative Curriculum method of center-based learning experiences, students receive instruction that is tailored to their needs, allowing advanced learners to move forward as they achieve mastery and providing necessary scaffolding and support to struggling learners to allow them to gain confidence and mastery of skills. Teachers focus on the learning needs of each student to foster engaged and enthusiastic learners. 

2024-25 School Year: 

  • To attend preschool in the fall of 2024, students must be at least three (3) years old on or before September 1, 2024.
  • Student Fee, if paid after April 30, 2024: $2500

2025-26 School Year: 

  • To attend preschool in the fall of 2025, students must be at least three (3) years old on or before September 1, 2025.
  • Student Fees: TBA

For more information about our preschool program, please contact our Department of Special Services at 708-532-8537.

Preschool Screening

KSD 140 provides preschool screening for children with potential delays or disabilities who are three years of age or older. The purpose of the screening is to share with parents their child’s developmental skills in the following areas: fine and gross motor, speech and language, cognition, and pre-readiness concepts. Results of the screening may also identify children who may need further evaluations if a disability is suspected.

For further information or to initiate a screening, please contact our Department of Special Services at 708-532-8537.

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