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D140 Polar Plunge Team Raises Over $51,000 for Special Olympics Illinois

Group of polar plunge particpants pose with school mascot for a picture by lake

KSD 140’s Polar Plunge team took a dip in the icy waters of Lake Manteno on Saturday, March 1. Led by educators Kristy Baumgartner, Chrisie DeCarlo, Ashley Krizik, and committee members from each of the District's seven schools, D140’s eighty-three participants raised more than $51,000 for Special Olympics Illinois athletes. 

The team earned top honors for individual and team contributions and was celebrated for surpassing $250,000 in Polar Plunge fundraising over the history of the district’s participation in the event.

Throughout the day, the team celebrated the memory of educator and former Special Olympics Coordinator Laura Cler.   

“She gave herself the nickname 'Hoot,' and the district team honored her by dressing as owls for this year's plunge,” DeCarlo said. “She would have been so proud of what we accomplished together today!”

Group of polar plunge participants pose for group photo outside by lake before the event

Polar Plunge Coordinatorspose together for photo    Polar Plunge patricapants poses with award      

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