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Students pose outside of school

News You Can Use!

Hot lunch volunteers needed! Click on the links below to sign up to help

Click HERE to sign up for Tuesday Hot Lunch volunteering
Click HERE to sign up for Friday Hot Lunch volunteering
Click HERE to sign up for Holiday Meal volunteering

PTO Officers for the 2024-25 School Year

President Janelle Lamont
Vice President Vasso King
Treasurer Elizabeth Brown
Vice treasurer Jamie Kolar
Secretary/Public Relations Liz Wegner
Teacher liasion Renee O'Keeffe

Parent Organization Committees for the 2024-25 School Year

Committee Chairperson(s)
Tuesday Hot Lunch
Friday Hot Lunch
Stephanie Gavin
Jennifer Poortinga
School Supply Kits Liz Wegner
Spirit Wear

Jess Ipema

2024-25 PTO Meeting Dates - All meetings will begin at 6:30 p.m.

2024-25 PTO Meeting Minutes

  • Check back for future meeting minutes

Our meetings are open to everyone. The Grissom Board attends every meeting and leads a round table discussion of the business and topics for that quarter. Please consider joining us in making the decisions that affect your children and their school.


The PTO has several fundraisers during the year. With our profits, we can provide our students and school many “extras” that might not be possible without your help.  Participation in these events is greatly appreciated.

  • Click here to order hot lunch.

Our Gifts and Services

We encourage all Grissom parents to support the Grissom PTO in all their work to help our students and school. Listed are the annual gifts and services that we provide for the Grissom families.

  1. Assignment notebooks
  2. Awards and certificates for sports, honor roll and eighth grade
  3. Assemblies for each grade level
  4. Eighth grade graduation t-shirts
  5. Patriot Pride prizes
  6. Prize incentives for fundraising
  7. Prize incentives for reading programs

Additional supplies/equipment for P.E., Media Center and Enrichment Classes (Art, Music, Economics and Pre-Engineering)

If you have any questions about Grissom's PTO or hot lunch pease contact us at

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