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Sponsor: Ms. J. Berman and Ms. K. Mohan

Grissom Middle School is a recognized chapter of the National Junior Honor Society. This national organization permits local chapters to establish basic, common guidelines for initial membership. Following induction, school goals and student interests determine NJHS activities at each building.

Membership opportunities in NJHS are afforded to any seventh grade student who meets grade point average criteria and provides activity sponsors with an application and an essay. Candidates for membership must also furnish information related to their character, citizenship, and service activities to both their school and their community.

Academic excellence, which qualifies for National Junior Honor Society recognition, will be established at a level of 3.8 career cumulative grade point average. Career cumulative grade point average includes a student’s grades from sixth and through the third quarter of seventh grade. This level of performance must be maintained throughout the duration of membership in the organization. Students who meet eligibility requirements are inducted into the NJHS in the months of late April or May of the seventh grade year.

Sixth grade students who seek to be members of the National Junior Honor Society should strive to build a solid record of good study habits, citizenship, and excellence in their sixth grade year. 

Membership Criteria

All members must maintain a career cumulative grade point average of 3.8 or higher.  Members must complete 20 hours of community service: 10 in school hours and 10 out of school community service.  Members will continue to demonstrate positive leadership inside and out of the classroom.  Members must actively participate in NJHS sponsored projects.


Students must maintain a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.8 or higher on a 4.0 scale. If a student falls below this criteria at mid-term, the student is placed on probation until the end of the quarter. If the student does not achieve the 3.8 GPA by the end of the marking period, the student loses the privilege of graduating with honors.


Student leaders are those who are resourceful good problem solvers, promoters of school activities, idea-contributors, dependable, and persons who exemplify positive attitudes about life. Leadership experiences can be drawn from school or community while working with or for others.


The student of good character upholds the principals of morality and ethics, is cooperative, demonstrated high standards of honesty and reliability, shows courtesy, concern and respect for others and generally maintains a good clean lifestyle.


This quality is defined through voluntary contributions made by a student to the school or community.

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