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Millennium Elementary School News

Student-athletes from Kirby School District 140 excelled at the Area E Special Olympics Track & Field Spring Games held at Thornwood High School in early May.

Millennium students and staff enjoyed a band and choir combined concert on Friday, April 27th.

In order to qualify for a discount on registration fees, you must return your student's packet to your home school by Friday, May 4th.

Best of luck to the sixteen KSD 140 athletes participating in the Special Olympics Track & Field Spring Games at Thornwood High School on May 5th!

Summer Academy classes will be available to incoming kindergarten through sixth grade KSD 140 students during the month of August. For a detailed description of our course offerings ...

Friday, May 4th is a START Day. Elementary schools will be dismissed at 12:30 p.m. and middle schools will be dismissed at 1:20 p.m

ABC Countdown to Summer!

April 19, 2018

Beginning Wednesday, April 25th, we will be celebrating the last 26 days of school with an ABC countdown.

Grissom and Prairie View middle schools will be offering Summer Sports Camps for students in grades 5-8.

Please join us at our KSD 140 Parent Night: Helping Children Learn Over the Summer featuring Dr. Margaret Carroll.

Just a reminder ... Wednesday, April 11th is a START Day. Elementary schools will be dismissed at 12:30 pm and middle schools will be dismissed at 1:20 pm.

We really enjoyed visiting with everyone who stopped by our booth at the Discover Tinley Expo on Saturday, April 7th.  It was wonderful to hear ...

Congratulations to our 16 top-notch fourth and fifth grade spellers who competed on April 5th in Millennium's annual Spelling Bee.

April is Autism Acceptance Month and Millennium Elementary is promoting this through fundraising and fun events.

A BIG THANKS goes out to the mayor of  Tinley Park and the more than 60 volunteers who had their heads shaved at the Millennium Elementary St. Baldrick's fundraiser on Friday, March 23rd.

KSD 140's Spring Break is Monday, March 26th through Monday, April 2nd. We look forward to welcoming everyone back to school on Tuesday, April 3rd. Enjoy!

KSD 140’s middle school musicians were in perfect harmony at the Illinois Grade School Music Association (IGSMA) District Band contest at Manhattan Junior High School on March 17th. The Cadet Band, Concert Band and Symphonic Band each earned Division I “Superior” ratings ...

Led by educators Laura Cler, Kristie Baumgartner, and committee members from each of the District's seven schools, D140’s seventy-nine participants raised more than $27,000 for Special Olympics Illinois athletes.

Kirby School District 140 welcomes families to Kindergarten Registration for the 2018-1...

Please join us for an informative evening featuring nationally renowned speaker, educator and consultant, Robert Jackson.

Five student-athletes from Kirby School District 140 excelled at the Area 7 Special Olympics Gymnastics Competition held at Palatine High School on March 4th.

School Superintendents from CHSD 230, District 117, District 118, District 127, District 135, District 140 and District 146 collaborated on a joint letter regarding school safety and student voice.

The testing window for KSD 140’s Spring 2018 administration of the state mandated Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) begins on March 12th and concludes on April 20th. The PARCC test will be ...

Please help us kick off our 7th annual head shaving event by participating in our spirit week Monday, March 5th through Friday, March 8th.

Monday, March 5th, originally scheduled as a day off for Casimir Pulaski Day, will serve as the make-up day for the February 9th emergency school closure due to significant snowfall.

Best of luck to the five KSD 140 athletes participating in the Special Olympics’ ...

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