Millennium Elementary School News
Millennium students and staff enjoyed a band and choir concert on Thursday April 25th.
Friday, May 3rd is a START Day. Elementary schools will be dismissed at 12:30 p.m. and middle schools will be dismissed at 1:20 p.m.
Friday, May 3rd is the last day to qualify for a discount on registration fees for the 2019-20 school year. All packets must be received by the end of the school day or postmarked by Friday, May 3rd in order to qualify for the discount.
Best of luck to the fifteen KSD 140 athletes participating in the Special Olympics Track & Field Spring Games at Thornwood High School on May 4th!
Kirby School District 140 engaged Midwest Environmental Consulting Services, Inc. (MEC) to test water at our schools and is very pleased to report that all tests indicate there is no concern of any elevated lead content in the drinking water.
There is no school on Friday, April 18th. Enjoy the long weekend!
We need your help in our planning process for next year. Please complete this quick 3 minute survey designed to gather information about your preferences for emergency closure make up days and a possible 90 minute delayed start option.
Registration packets for the 2019-20 school year will be sent home with students on Thursday, April 18th. Please call your child’s school office if you do not receive one. In order to qualify for the discount on fees, you must return your packet on or before Friday, May 3rd.
On Tuesday April 16th, Millennium second graders Ben and Gabriella had the honor of being escorted to school by the Tinley Park Fire Department.
Just a reminder ... Wednesday, April 10th is a START Day. Elementary schools will be dismissed at 12:30 p.m. and middle schools will be dismissed at 1:20 p.m.
We really enjoyed visiting with everyone who stopped by our booth at the Discover Tinley Expo on Saturday, April 6th.
The combined choirs from Grissom and Prairie View toured to Bannes, Millennium and McAuliffe on March 21st to promote "Music in Our Schools" Month.
A BIG THANKS goes out to the 55 volunteers who had their heads shaved at the Millennium Elementary St. Baldrick's fundraiser on Friday, March 22nd.
On Friday, March 22nd, over 50 students will be shaving their heads to help fight childhood cancer. Please help us kick off our annual St. Baldrick’s event by participating in our spirit week Monday, March 18th through Friday, March 22nd.
KSD 140’s Polar Plunge team took a dip in the frigid waters of Lake Leisure in Joliet on Saturday, March 9.
Kirby School District 140 welcomes parents to Kindergarten Registration for the 2019-2020 school year on Wednesday, March 13th 2019 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
KSD 140's Spring Break is Monday, March 25th through Friday, March 29th. We look forward to welcoming everyone back to school on Monday, April 1st. Enjoy!
Four student-athletes from Kirby School District 140 excelled at the Area 7 Special Olympics Gymnastics Competition held at Palatine High School on March 3rd.
Millennium's PTO held their first ever Glow Dance on Friday March 1st. Students were invited for a night full of fun ...
On February 26th and 27th, Millennium students got the chance to immerse themselves in the school’s STEAM curriculum.
If you were unable to make our April 6th Parent Night regarding Vaping, Underage Drinking, and Synthetic Marijuana Usage ...
The D140 Board of Education approved the 2019-20 School Year Calendar at their February 21st meeting. Highlights include ...
Millennium kindergarten, first and second graders were excited to have the Andrew Varsity Athletic Leadership Team (VALT) come and read to them on Wednesday, February 27th.
KSD 140 celebrates Casimir Pulaski Day on Monday, March 4th. No school.
Please join us on Wednesday, March 6th at Prairie View Middle School for an informative parent evening discussing vaping, underage drinking and synthetic marijuana usage.
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