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Millennium Elementary School News


Check out the latest KSD 140 Connection! The KSD 140 Connection is intended to infor...


District 140’s Beginning Band members performed before a packed gymnasium at Prai...


Shout out to our Special Olympic athletes who competed in the Skills Basketball Competi...


Please come out and show your support for our Special Olympics athletes!  Ev...

Members of the Prairie View Girls’ Basketball team were recognized at the January...


Millennium's Spring picture day will be Wednesday, February 1. Students' proofs...

KSD Meritorious Budget Award news image

The Association of School Business Officials (ASBO) International has awarded Kirby Sch...

20230111-mlkday-no school-image

KSD 140 honors the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. No school on Monday...


Congratulations to the top 16 fourth and fifth-grade spellers who competed in Millenniu...


Welcome back!

January 10, 2023

KSD140 welcomes students back from winter break. Looking forward to a successful s...


Hot Lunch orders for the second half of the year are due by Monday, January 16. ...


Check out the latest KSD 140 Connection! The KSD 140 Connection is intended to infor...

Students hanging clothes on a Christmas tree

During December, Fernway, Keller, McAuliffe, Millennium, and Grissom Student Councils s...

Happy Holidays! Winter Break

Happy Holidays! 2022

December 16, 2022

As Winter Break approaches, we would like to wish the students, parents, staff, and com...

Countdown to Winter Break

D140 students and staff are invited to participate in our Countdown to Winter Break spi...

Students in the classroom

During November and December, Apple Specialists and District Technology Facilitators wo...

Emergency Closing Notifications news image

As temperatures drop and winter weather begins, we’d like to take a moment to rev...

D140 Performs at Tinley Park Holiday Market news image

The combined Grissom and Prairie View choruses and the D140 Jazz Band performed at the ...

Special Olympics Basketball Kicks Off Season new image

Our KSD 140 Special Olympics Basketball team opened their season against the Junior Lin...


Millennium's Student Council is sponsoring a Food & Winter Clothing Drive from Monday, November 28, through Friday, December 16.

Holiday Concerts Ring in the Season 2022 news image

Looking for some holiday cheer? Check out our upcoming D140 band and chorus winter perf...

Parent-Teacher Conferences and Fall Break Reminder news image

Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held in all KSD 140 elementary and middle schools on Monday, November 21, and Tuesday, November 22.

D140 Board of Ed Celebrates Students news image

The Board of Education recognized five District 140 students for their winning submissions to the Tinley Park Fire Prevention Poster Contest. This year's theme was “Fire Won’t Wait. Plan Your Escape.”

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