Millennium Elementary School News
KSD 140 welcomes Michelle O’Connor to its administrative team as the EL/Title I C...
KSD 140 welcomes Anthony Silic to its administrative team as the new Operations Coordin...
The D140 Board of Education will hold a Public Hearing at 7:00 pm on Thursday, August 1...
Check out the latest KSD 140 Connection! This issue includes information regarding: ...
D140’s Special Olympics State team was recognized at the July Board of Education ...
Check out the latest KSD 140 Connection! The KSD 140 Connection is intended to infor...
D140’s Spring 2023 Perception Survey asked parents/guardians questions about scho...
Prairie View Girls' Soccer Prairie View girls' soccer team members were reco...
Eight student-athletes from Kirby School District 140 excelled at the Special Olympics ...
Thanks to our D140 families for their continued support and involvement in our District...
Kirby School District 140 bids a heartfelt farewell to the nine employees who are retir...
Just a reminder ... Friday, June 9, is a Half-Day and the last day of school. Elementar...
Beginning Friday, June 9, at 3 p.m., fourth-quarter student report cards will be availa...
Best of luck to the eight KSD 140 athletes at Illinois State University participating i...
As the school year draws to a close, we bid farewell to an outstanding group of fifth-g...
D140 fourth and fifth-grade athletes hit the track for an afternoon of friendly competi...
As a school district, we always look for ways to improve our educational programs and s...
Wednesday, May 31, is the last day to qualify for a discount on student fees. Pare...
There is no school on Friday, May 26, and Monday, May 29. Classes resume on Tuesda...
Check out the latest KSD 140 Connection! The KSD 140 Connection is intended to infor...
We're excited to share KSD 140's new Strategic Plan with you! It's the resu...
Teams of third, fourth, and fifth-grade students recently faced off in our annual Battl...
D140 Mathematicians On May 18, D140 mathematicians were recognized by the Board of E...
Sixteen student-athletes from Kirby School District 140 excelled at the Area E Special ...
Early Childhood/Preschool (EC/P), Kindergarten, and returning student registration for ...
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