January 2019


Date Event
2019-01-01 (Tue) Winter Break - No School [Millennium Elementary School]
2019-01-02 (Wed) Winter Break - No School [Millennium Elementary School]
2019-01-03 (Thu) Winter Break - No School [Millennium Elementary School]
2019-01-04 (Fri) Winter Break - No School [Millennium Elementary School]
2019-01-07 (Mon) Winter Break/Teacher Institute Day - No School for Students [Millennium Elementary School]
2019-01-08 (Tue) Classes Resume - Welcome Back! [Millennium Elementary School]
2019-01-09 (Wed) Parent Night: Cultural Awareness and Communication [Millennium Elementary School] — 7:00 pm
2019-01-13 (Sun) Special Olympic Basketball Tournament @ Hersey High School [Millennium Elementary School]
2019-01-17 (Thu) Board of Education Meeting [Millennium Elementary School] — 7:00 pm
2019-01-18 (Fri) End of Second Quarter [Millennium Elementary School]
2019-01-21 (Mon) Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - No School [Millennium Elementary School]
2019-01-29 (Tue) START Day - Early Dismissal [Millennium Elementary School]