Fernway Park Elementary School News
As Winter Break approaches, we would like to thank the students, staff, parents and community members who ...
Friday, December 22nd is a Half-Day. Elementary schools will be dismissed ...
In support of the 14th annual Cathy & Alison Toy Drive, D140 families were invited to contribute toys to the Pediatric Oncology Treasure Chest Foundation.
In celebration of the holidays, Fernway families showed off their creativity by participating in a school-wide Gingerbread House Contest using ...
Under the direction of Mrs. Jones, Fernway's fourth and fifth grade choir delivered an outstanding performance for ...
Congratulations to our November Artsy Award-Winning Classrooms!
Looking to add some holiday pep to your step? Check out our upcoming D140 band and chorus concerts ...
Thanks to all who attended our Parenting the Digital Generation presentation at Grissom Middle School on Tuesday, November 28th. Please visit the ICAC website for additional resources and a detailed review of the ...
Please join us for our Parenting the Digital Generation presentation at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 28th at Grissom Middle School. This parents only event will cover ...
With the Thanksgiving holiday upon us, we would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to the staff, parents, and community members who enthusiastically contribute so much to our District.
Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled in all KSD 140 elementary and middle schools on Monday, November 20th from 1 - 8 p.m. and Tuesday, November 21st from 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. During our Fall Break, there is NO SCHOOL Monday, November 20th through Friday, November 24th.
Fernway Elementary School celebrated Veterans Day with a choir performance and special guest speaker, Mr. Hank Fellows. The assembly included ...
Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on Monday, November 20th from 1:00 – 8:00 pm and Tuesday, November 21st from 8:00 am - 3:00 pm. If you would like to arrange a conference ...
Thanks to all who attended our Cookies & Canvas community night on Wednesday, November 8th!
This week, KSD 140 will honor the American military men and women who have served our country and protected our freedoms.
Fernway Student Council invites students and staff to participate in our theme days November 6 - 10.
Thanks to our PTO, students at Fernway recently had a visit from Tom Watson, author of the Stick Dog and Stick Cat series.
Coached by Ms. Krull and Mrs. Lynch, our 2017 girls' basketball team began their eight game season on November 1st.
Congratulations to our October Artsy Award-Winning Classrooms!
Parents of preschool students currently enrolled in District 140 are invited to a Preschool Parent Make-n-Take Night on Wednesday, November 8th from 6:30 -7:30 pm at Millennium Elementary School.
Thanks to all the Fernway families who participated in our Family Pumpkin Decorating Contest.
Just a reminder ... Tuesday, October 31st is a START Day.
Congratulations to our Fernway fifth grade musicians who drummed their way through a concert which included songs such as "I Feel Good" by James Brown and "Can't Stop the Feeling" by Justin Timberlake.
During Red Ribbon Week, schools across the nation join together to promote a drug-free lifestyle and encourage students to make positive, healthy choices.
When we stand together, no one stands alone! Students and staff are encouraged to wear orange on Unity Day, Wednesday, October 25th ...
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