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John A. Bannes Elementary School News

Congratulations to our Bannes Bobcats of the Week! These students were chosen by their teachers for ...

KSD 140's Spring Break is Monday, March 26th through Monday, April 2nd. We look forward to welcoming everyone back to school on Tuesday, April 3rd. Enjoy!

Show your school spirit as we count down the days until Spring Break and the completion of the PARCC tests!

KSD 140’s middle school musicians were in perfect harmony at the Illinois Grade School Music Association (IGSMA) District Band contest at Manhattan Junior High School on March 17th. The Cadet Band, Concert Band and Symphonic Band each earned Division I “Superior” ratings ...

Congratulations to our Bannes Bobcats of the Week! These students were chosen by their teachers for ...

Led by educators Laura Cler, Kristie Baumgartner, and committee members from each of the District's seven schools, D140’s seventy-nine participants raised more than $27,000 for Special Olympics Illinois athletes.

Kirby School District 140 welcomes families to Kindergarten Registration for the 2018-1...

Please join us for an informative evening featuring nationally renowned speaker, educator and consultant, Robert Jackson.

Five student-athletes from Kirby School District 140 excelled at the Area 7 Special Olympics Gymnastics Competition held at Palatine High School on March 4th.

Bannes students raised $10,746 for the American Heart Association by participating in Jump Rope/Hoops for Heart during physical education classes. Thank you for ...

School Superintendents from CHSD 230, District 117, District 118, District 127, District 135, District 140 and District 146 collaborated on a joint letter regarding school safety and student voice.

The testing window for KSD 140’s Spring 2018 administration of the state mandated Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) begins on March 12th and concludes on April 20th. The PARCC test will be ...

The Bannes Student Council recently held a "Job for a Day" raffle with the proceeds benefiting the fifth-grade field trip.

Congratulations to our Bannes Bobcats of the Week! These students were chosen by their teachers for their outstanding character and leadership qualities.

Monday, March 5th, originally scheduled as a day off for Casimir Pulaski Day, will serve as the make-up day for the February 9th emergency school closure due to significant snowfall.

Congratulations to our Bannes Bobcats of the Week! These students were chosen by their teachers for their ..

Best of luck to the five KSD 140 athletes participating in the Special Olympics’ ...

Wednesday, February 28th is a START Day.  Elementary schools will be dismissed at 12:30 pm and middle schools will be dismissed at 1:20 pm.

KSD 140 is inviting parents/guardians and their Kindergarten students to a fun-filled family musical event featuring award-winning musician and author Jim Gill!

Congratulations to our Bannes Bobcats of the Week! These students were chosen by their teachers for their outstanding character and leadership qualities.

The D140 Board of Education approved the 2018-19 School Year Calendar at their February 15th meeting. Highlights include ...

The devastating incident that occurred in Parkland, Florida is a stark reminder of the importance of our own safety and security protocols. Please know that we have many safeguards in place ...

We kicked off our Jump Rope/Hoops For Heart program this week and our school's event is right around the corner!

At a recent student assembly, Judd Winick, award winning cartoonist and author of the New York Times bestselling Hilo series, entertained ...

KSD 140 celebrates Presidents' Day on Monday, February 19th. No school.

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