Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on Monday, November 20th from 1:00 – 8:00 pm and Tuesday, November 21st from 8:00 am - 3:00 pm. If you would like to arrange a conference on either of those dates, please go to Specific dates/times for Bannes families can be selected by entering your student’s class code listed below.
86H1191779 - Fornell/Kuempel
E3P1191777 - Les
4R31191778 - Stoecker
KJW1191780 - Depcik
XUF1191781 - Gordon
VNK1191785 - Boswell
UXA1191806 - Schalmo
HVP1191787 - Danaher
QM41191790 - Harmon
BEL1191791 - Salvador
Z9M1191795 - Lawrence
1QU1191797 - Nolan
FDV1191793 - Zordani
7W91191812 - Lucca
WFG1191810 - Maurer
6MN1191821 - McHale
LFJ1191824 - Kamphuis
D9T1191825 - N. Staehlin
L841191827- Stanovich
8RK1191854 - Burba
RG11191854 - Carruth
CVH1191828 - Hanenburg
8GE1191837 - Hunt
8721191833 - Maniatis
EV41191814 - Muccianti
N2M1191849 - Novick
Z4S1191845 - Sobol-Boyle
F4G1191865 - S. Staehlin
BJN1191838 - Ward
JN41191840 - Waters
X681191829 - Conley
05M1191830 - Kirk
T1X1191799 - Klein
RZE1191835 - Holly
DWG1191852 - Bergamini
After registering with your teacher code and contact information, you will receive an email asking you to choose an available conference date/time. Please follow the select conference time link in the email, choose a date/time that best suits your schedule, and select confirm selection at the bottom of the page. will follow-up with appointment confirmation and reminder emails once you’ve completed the process. Conference appointments will be scheduled on a first come, first served basis through November 20th
If you do not have internet access or are unable to make an appointment on the specified dates, please feel free to contact us at 708-532-6466 and our office staff will be happy to assist you.